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To Theuniverse.
Neuanfangselective.here Theuniverse, 22 Jul 2021 21:58
Jeder Mensch sollte dem anderen helfen, nur so verbessern wir die Welt. Wir sollten am Glück des anderen teilhaben und nicht einander verabscheuen
Hass und Verachtung bringen uns niemals näher. Auf dieser Welt ist Platz genug für jeden und Mutter Erde ist reich genug, um jeden von uns Satt zu machen
Das Leben kann ja so erfreulich und wunderbar sein, wir müssen es nur wieder zu leben lernen

To Theuniverse.
go on Theuniverse, 22 Jul 2021 21:59
Die Habgier hat das Gute im Menschen verschüttet, und Missgunst hat die Seelen vergiftet und uns im Paradeschritt zu Verderb und Blutschuld geführt
Wir haben die Geschwindigkeit entwickelt aber innerlich sind wir stehengeblieben. Wir lassen Maschinen für uns arbeiten, und sie denken auch für uns
Die Klugheit hat uns hochmütig werden lassen und unser Wissen kalt und hart
Wir sprechen zu viel und fühlen zu wenig, aber zuerst kommt die Menschlichkeit und dann erst die Maschine

To Theuniverse.
mhm Theuniverse, 22 Jul 2021 22:01
Vor Klugheit und Wissen, kommen Toleranz und Güte. Ohne Menschlichkeit und Nächstenliebe ist unser Dasein nicht lebenswert

To Salotehawaiii.
Hah! Salotehawaiii, 17 Jul 2021 04:29
Was going thru my bookmarks and thought I'd take a look..... well! Surprise!! ... Aloha all you old bugs!

To Voynich.
TOYNBEE IDEA Voynich, 26 Jun 2021 21:38
IN MOViE '2001

To Fletcher
It's back!! Fletcher, 22 Jun 2021 10:07
I'm so happy, creator, if you're reading this, know I'm absolutely overjoyed that you've brought this site back.

I tried to send you an email, but it didn't go through, this site genuinely meant so much to me in my high school years and inspired so much creativity in me, thanks for keeping it up.

To Fletcher
Though uh.. Fletcher, 22 Jun 2021 21:59
I do wish you would convert or recode the site. You may not have the motivation- but maybe crowdsourcing is a possibility?

I don't have much money but I'd definitely chip in to get this place working properly...

To Stoneskyguy
Fletcher Stoneskyguy, 25 Jun 2021 22:16
I was also thinking he won't make changes. It's more like history...this site just won't change. Also flash has been a problem with the other bugs saying how they miss the sink..

To Fletcher
Stoneskyguy Fletcher, 25 Jun 2021 22:55
I understand that, and honestly I'm glad to still have what we do right now- but I do really hope Jogchem at least considers updating the site, though that might not be possible. Nice to know there are still fans here :)

To Stoneskyguy
Ahh also.. Stoneskyguy, 28 Jun 2021 22:52
I might be wrong but he also has a Reddit account. His other socials are not public, or maybe don't exist, but you should try contacting him on there! :) His reddit account is (probably) oh_no__notagain.

To Stoneskyguy
I might be wrong Stoneskyguy, 28 Jun 2021 22:54
and the account might just be a bugs fan. I found them on r/nobodyhere.

To Nobody
there's a subreddit? Nobody, 03 Okt 2023 10:41
on little old me?

To Nobody
nobody on reddit? Nobody, 19 Okt 2023 08:52
About this subreddit: the mods don't seem to respond. https://www.reddit.com/r/nobodyhere

Any way to join?

To Stoneskyguy
YES! Stoneskyguy, 25 Jun 2021 21:43
It is back! Jogchem has put it up again!! Also if you check the dutch version of bugs, they are more aware instead of the bugs here, everyone mentioned how he did it on purpose. probably to update it. who knows!!

To Luxxy.
osConns Luxxy, 06 Mei 2021 13:36
Shining as a star
I feel your desire
to get near to
You may think it s the place
but the road is hard
Do u have enough flesh ?
The insects gonna eat you
Slowly and Bloody
U run but mirror comes
See yourself with a blood dripping mouth

To Voynich.
what is life Voynich, 02 Mei 2021 00:42
than night
than entropy
than the far corners of our being

To Stoneskyguy.
Liesel wandered Stoneskyguy, 15 Apr 2021 02:27
toward the mountain of ash
It sat like a magnet, like a freak
irresistible to the eyes
Similar to the road of yellow stars

To Voynich.
sometimes i feel like Voynich, 12 Apr 2021 10:24
a roman dodecahedron


To Aetheraz.
oohboi Aetheraz, 12 Apr 2021 16:16
how so lol?

To Voynich.
because i am Voynich Voynich, 12 Apr 2021 20:39
i am a mystery
i am an artefact
i am real

To Ncjks.
The bug chat was pretty cool Ncjks, 11 Apr 2021 22:33
In 2005

To Meno.
Hello Meno, 11 Apr 2021 03:43
what is this site now but yet dry, flash is dead

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