Doesn't have to be a bad thing. I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.
-Kurt Vonnegut

:)ggog, be quite ...shrink: thats right, positive thinking.t -yeah, sure, I am runnin to get as much money as I can carry.- DuhMy purpose in life Anybody want to donate a lot of money on Amsterdam? (the number is the number of my bankaccount. It might be your purpose in life...maybe it's mine but I can't, I would really like to. Anybody interested in buying words from me? I sell em cheap for what they mean. Only 5 eurocents a piece...and these are free allreadyDestiny: I think I've found mine. To sorrow i bade GOOD MORROW,
n thought i left her FAR BEHIND,
But cheerily cheerily she luvs me so DEARILY,
so constant to me n SO KIND..

Just as some are destined to become a great leader, artist, or lover, so seem destined for a series of disjointed events.

If my life does have a purpose, it is only as an extra in the wonderful lives of others. I pass in the background, supplementing the image. With a bit of luck, I'll be the one who gets in the way of the main character, causing him to miss the train and get in touch with that lost French tourist, who turns out to be his true love.

Or maybe, if I don't overestimate myself, I'm everyone's comfort when they see me and think: it could always be worse. Would that be my role? Me, the benchmark? I'm ok with that. “See me and rejoice, for your fate is not nearly as bad. You're very welcome. No need to worry about me. I'll just stay right here, all the way down at the bottom. You see I...”

Oh, they're already gone.