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naam: Jepthah
latijns:rhinosimus ruficollis

3 2 1

To Jepthah.
Now, Twenty-one-hundred, Taps, condolences.here Jepthah, 05 Aug 2004 04:37
''Now, secure Dog-Zebra; Nightwatchmen set the watch; extinguish the lamps throughout the ship; all crew not on watch lay to berthing, and Maintain Silence About the Decks. Now, Taps,...Taps...'' So-Long, Shipmate

To Jepthah.
Look What I Can Do!... Jepthah, 31 Jul 2004 16:58


To Mork.
register.... Mork, 31 Jul 2004 21:22
..that sucker..ARRRRRR

To Jepthah.
I'm an UnRegistered Bug, Jepthah, 01 Aug 2004 03:36
pffff... my licence was revoked, too!

To Jepthah.
The subject of Urinal Cakes Jepthah, 31 Jul 2004 01:38
Recently came up...


To Colorbox.
oh dear Colorbox, 31 Jul 2004 10:34
I knew I shouldn't have asked....why do I always click on these links when I'm eating???

To Jepthah.
[ForRosiB]A Day Late, And A Dollar Short Jepthah, 30 Jul 2004 04:29
That's Me... I Didn't Get To Wish You And Your Birthday A Happy Reuniting, As It Were. And The Subject's ''Old'' By Now (Not That You Are...) [How Old? (I'm 28)] So... Happy Birthday From One Of The Newer Bugs On The Block... Me: A Day (Or Two?), And A Dollar (US), And Just Generally (5'8'')... Too Short!

To Rosibutterfly.
how delicious Jepthah .. Rosibutterfly, 30 Jul 2004 08:59
we haven't met, yet you wish me a happy birthday .. that is right neighbourly of you. Thank you .. I am a tad shorter than you at 5'7'' 'n a tad older, but only a tad! .. hahahahaha

To Jepthah.
My Pleasure, True Jepthah, 30 Jul 2004 17:16
Shall We Consider This A Formal Introduction, Then? You'll see me lingering on these pages regularly, and I'll be glad to have such an insightful/sensitive/humorous/gracious Bug such as yourself among my friends! Nobuggy Knows me yet, but I've been noticed....

To Colorbox.
oi! Colorbox, 30 Jul 2004 23:39
I've noticed you!!! You even asked me to marry you!!



bet you ask all the ladybugs, don't you?

To Jepthah.
I'm on the Rebound.... Jepthah, 31 Jul 2004 00:27
I'm Divorced, You See... :(

To Rosibutterfly.
let's consider ourselves .. Rosibutterfly, 31 Jul 2004 01:18
introduced then Jepthah .. interestingly, you have chosen for yourself a bug which is in a colour guaranteed to attract a ladies attention! Seems to me your instincts are operating for your maximum benefit already .. haha : )

To Jepthah.
Thank You! No, I picked a Bug that Jepthah, 31 Jul 2004 01:56
caught MY attention. That's just pheromones you smell... (xx Jepthahaha!)

To Rosibutterfly.
ha ha ha ha .. Rosibutterfly, 31 Jul 2004 02:26
I love the smell of pheromones in the morning!

To Jepthah.
Colourbox: Jepthah, 27 Jul 2004 04:50
HIPY PAPY BTHUTHDTH THUTHDA BTHUTHDY! Owl taught me how to spell.... Many Hippy Papy Returns, Too...

To Colorbox.
thnik ya! Colorbox, 27 Jul 2004 10:30
Thnik ya from the bottom of mon coeur mon little nice buglet J x

To Salote.
Haoli La Hanau Salote, 27 Jul 2004 21:07
Birthday wishes from Hawaii....Aloha

To Jepthah.
Colorbox... Jepthah, 26 Jul 2004 20:55
I enjoyed our little interaction, as it were... come again soon?

To Colorbox.
what? Colorbox, 26 Jul 2004 20:57
like now?

*fluttering antennae...*

To Jepthah.
You Being Sardonic, Jepthah, 26 Jul 2004 21:04
Or, *Fluttering Cable Upgrade*, Are You Game For More Games?

To Jepthah.
Oh, no... Jepthah, 26 Jul 2004 21:22
I've LOST You....

To Jepthah.
~Kurosawa Jepthah, 22 Jul 2004 23:42
'To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes.'

To Jepthah.
Step One Jepthah, 17 Jul 2004 21:29
We put a bug in your ear.

To Jepthah.
Step One: Jepthah, 17 Jul 2004 20:58
We put a Bug in your ear.

To Jepthah.
Step Two: Jepthah, 17 Jul 2004 20:58
The Bug lays eggs.

3 2 1

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