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naam: Sketchy
latijns:apoderus coryli - hazelaarbladroller
features: I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me - Hunter S. Thompson

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 >>

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 23 Mrt 2004 11:58
Was ich kann und was ich koennte/
Weiss ich gar nicht mehr/
Gib mir wieder etwas schoenes/
Zieh mich aus dem Meer/
Ich hoer dich rufen, Marian/
Kannst du mich schreien hoeren/
Ich bin hier allein/
Ich hoer dich rufen, Marian/
Ohne deine Hilfe verliere ich mich in diesem Ort.

To Melancholy.
wow Melancholy, 23 Mrt 2004 12:16
... Sisters of Mercy!

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 23 Mrt 2004 13:20

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 22 Mrt 2004 12:30
It's William Shatner's Birthday! Rejoice the hero of Star Trek and T.J Hooker.

To Rosibutterfly.
whoo hooo ... Rosibutterfly, 22 Mrt 2004 12:47
Willie ... !!!

To Mork.
Mr. Sulu... Mork, 22 Mrt 2004 15:14
...Take us.......Thataway...

To Sketchy.
sinusitis Sketchy, 18 Mrt 2004 15:36
sucks big time. They shoot horses for less.

To Rosibutterfly.
it ain't fun Robje ... Rosibutterfly, 18 Mrt 2004 23:59
that's for sure... but the Sudafed should work some magic. hehehehe

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 17 Mrt 2004 14:30
One nation
under God/
has turned into
one nation under the influence
of one drug/

Television, the drug of the Nation/
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation/

T.V., it
satellite links
our United States of Unconsciousness/
Apathetic therapeutic and extremely addictive/
The methadone metronome pumping out
150 channels 24 hours a day
you can flip through all of them
and still there's nothing worth watching/
T.V. is the reason why less than 10 per cent of our nation reads books daily/
Why most people think Central America
means Kansas/
Socialism means unamerican/
and Apartheid is a new headache remedy/
absorbed in it's world it's so hard to find us/
It shapes our mind the most/
maybe the mother of our Nation
should remind us
that we're sitting too close to.../

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 17 Mrt 2004 14:32
T.V. is
the stomping ground for political candidates/
Where bears in the woods
are chased by Grecian Formula'd
bald eagles/
T.V. is mechanized politic's
remote control over the masses/
co-sponsored by environmentally safe gases
watch for the PBS special/
It's the perpetuation of the two party system/
where image takes precedence over wisdom/
Where sound bite politics are served to
the fastfood culture/
Where straight teeth in your mouth
are more important than the words
that come out of it/
Race baiting is the way to get selected/
Willie Horton or
Will he not get elected on.../

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 17 Mrt 2004 14:33
T.V., is it the reflector or the director?/
Does it imitate us
or do we imitate it/
because a child watches 1500 murders before he's
twelve years old and we wonder why we've created
a Jason generation that learns to laugh
rather than to abhor the horror/
T.V. is the place where
armchair generals and quarterbacks can
experience first hand
the excitement of warfare
as the theme song is sung in the background/
Sugar sweet sitcoms
that leave us with a bad actor taste while
pop stars metamorphosize into soda pop stars/
You saw the video/
You heard the soundtrack/
Well now go buy the soft drink/
Well, the onla cola that I support
would be a union C.O.L.A.(Cost Of Living Allowance)/
On television/

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 17 Mrt 2004 14:34
Back again, ''New and improved''/
We return to our irregularly programmed schedule
hidden cleverly between heavy breasted
beer and car commercials/
CNNESPNABCTNT but mostly B.S./
Where oxymoronic language like
''virtually spotless'', ''fresh frozen''
''light yet filling'' and ''military intelligence''
have become standard/
T.V. is the place where phrases are redefined
like ''recession'' to ''necessary downturn''
''Crude oil'' on a beach to ''mousse''
''Civilian death'' to ''collateral damages''/
and being killed by your own Army
is now called ''friendly fire''/
T.V. is the place where the pursuit
of happiness has become the pursuit of
Where toothpaste and cars have become
sex objects/
Where imagination is sucked out of children
by a cathode ray nipple/
T.V. is the only wet nurse
that would create a cripple

To Flint.
Thats right... Flint, 17 Mrt 2004 16:14
my friend, tell it them all! Get up, unplug your TV, open the window, and throw away this chain of the mind! I'm with you Rob!
Television, the drug of the nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation

To Flint.
And we... Flint, 17 Mrt 2004 16:16
don't even live in the U S of A!!

To Mork.
I love TV Mork, 17 Mrt 2004 19:19
People often confuse the message with the medium. Have you ever seen NOVA or Ken Burns's series on the civil war? I know so much about this world because of TV. Just because the National Enquirer is printed on ink and paper doesn't mean reading it is ''time well spent.'' Believe it or not, in the post-invention-of-TV-world, there is less warfare, ignorance, racism and hatred then there ever was before TV came along. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of crap on TV, but the viewer has the ultimate power -- the on/off button!

To Buzulefazul.
I may VERY rarely watch TV, Mork.. Buzulefazul, 17 Mrt 2004 20:23
but I see where you're coming from. The rare times that I do watch TV it's because there's something beautifully informative or well-crafted on it. And that can be quite the treat.

To Flint.
There are Flint, 18 Mrt 2004 11:15
some very fine programmas on TV, but what does it ultimatly teach us? Do we become better persones because of it? And in the overkill of information we can't be sure of what we see is realy true? I also don't think that TV is 'just' a medium. Modern TV behavior is conditioned by the multitude of choises and trilling images all screaming for attention en dictating entertainment. Personaly my experience is that the TV is not very relaxing at the end of the day either. When you turn it off you even feel more tired and dazzed than before...

To Sis.
a little melodramatic? Sis, 17 Mrt 2004 20:06
Maybe not... TV is a novelty in our home. And Im smack dab in the middle of tinsletown and all its fray. We are the odd ones who dont know who the next American Idol is, but nor do we care...

To Sketchy.
you want bugs? Sketchy, 16 Mrt 2004 15:50
here they are.


To Dawn.
Oh My Dawn, 16 Mrt 2004 18:38
Now that's what you call a bug problem.

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 10 Mrt 2004 14:15
When the routine bites hard/
and ambitions are low/
And the resentment rides high/
but emotions won't grow/
And we're changing our ways/
taking different roads/
Then love, love will tear us apart

Why is the bedroom so cold/
Turned away on your side?/
Is my timing that flawed/
our respect run so dry?/
Yet there's still this appeal/
That we've kept through
our lives/
Love, love will tear us apart again/

Do you cry out in your sleep/
All my failings expose?/
Get a taste in my mouth/
As desperation takes hold/
Is it something so good/
Just can't function no more?/
When love, love will tear us apart

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 09 Mrt 2004 14:04
With the fire from the fireworks up above me/
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand/
You run for cover in the temple of love/
You run for another but still the same/
For the wind will blow my name across this land/

In the temple of love you hide together/
Believing pain and fear outside/
But someone near you rides the weather/
And the tears he cried will rain on walls/
As wide as lovers eyes/

In the temple of love: Shine like thunder/
In the temple of love: Cry like rain/
In the temple of love: Hear my calling/
In the temple of love: Hear my name/

And the devil in black dress watches over/
My guardian angel walks away/
Life is short and love is always over in the morning/
Black wind come carry me far away/

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 09 Mrt 2004 14:05
With the sunlight died and night above me/
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain inside/

You run for cover in the temple of love/
You run for another it's all the same/
For the wind will blow and throw your walls aside/
With the fire from the fireworks up above/
With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain/

You run for cover in the temple of love/
I shine like thunder cry like rain/
And the temple grows old and strong/
But the wind blows longer cold and long/
And the temple of love will fall before/
This black wind calls my name to you no more/

In the black sky thunder sweeping/
Underground and over water/
Sounds of crying weeping will not save/
Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar/
All your prayers must seem as nothing/
Ninety-six below the wave/
When stone is dust and only air remains.

To Sketchy.
Careful Sketchy, 08 Mrt 2004 15:26
with that axe Eugene.

To Humanoid.
A Humanoid, 08 Mrt 2004 19:25
saucerful of secrets

To Sketchy.
And Sketchy, 09 Mrt 2004 10:31
the sea isn't green

To Sis.
Piper Sis, 09 Mrt 2004 20:48
At the Gates of Dawn...

To Nothing.
the moon... man in the moon with naked crackers, 09 Mrt 2004 22:02
isn't made of cheese

To Sketchy.
Sketchy, 05 Mrt 2004 10:32

To Flint.
Intresting remark Flint, 05 Mrt 2004 11:21
Rob. The sound of silence...

To Sketchy.
Nessel Sketchy, 04 Mrt 2004 13:23

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