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Bugpool: the bugs' very own site!

3 2 1

To Sketchy.
bugpool.here Sketchy, 13 Mei 2004 13:14
I like the email address option, especially if it could be something to revolve around your bug name perhaps...

Maybe photo forums where bugs could leave photo's of the area's that they live in or originate from.

To Nothing.
how's about gillis, 13 Mei 2004 13:33
a weather-report updated every 5 secs??

To Rosibutterfly.
it won't .... Rosibutterfly, 13 Mei 2004 13:59
improve your weather Gill Gill!

To Nobody.
Possible... Nobody, 13 Mei 2004 15:35
Good idea. I'll write that down. Of course you'd need to specify your part of the world. (guess I'll need the right rss channel.)

To Sis.
Well then Sis, 13 Mei 2004 19:49
it will remain the same for California. Sunny and warm, Sunny and warm, Sunny and warm... etc...

To Blaatman.
a Blaatman, 13 Mei 2004 16:22
virtual pub

To Nobody.
Ok. Nobody, 13 Mei 2004 16:29
You could upload a picture of a pub and use that in a chat room, as a background. You'll have to be patient though, since the customised chat is planned in december.

To Henryhackit.
great Henryhackit, 13 Mei 2004 16:55
and it should ofcourse have a barman. I suggest that Nimrod could fulfill that job :)

To Henryhackit.
oh.. Henryhackit, 13 Mei 2004 16:58
I don't think I told Jogchem yet that I wrote Nimrod.. Jogchem.. I wrote a sink robot :)

To Nobody.
You did WHAT? Nobody, 14 Mei 2004 23:25
You're kidding...

To Henryhackit.
I did Henryhackit, 15 Mei 2004 16:17
Nimrod is a perl program that looks at the sink data and acts upon it

To Blaatman.
we Blaatman, 13 Mei 2004 17:04
need to up his pace a little. My bitterballen were cold by the time I got them.

To Sis.
Well Sis, 13 Mei 2004 18:27
Nimrod seems to be a bit tardy in pouring, but maybe a cute waitress or waiter would keep the suds fresh... Can we have a pool table too?

To Dawn.
Music ...... Dawn, 13 Mei 2004 22:41
we need music too.

To Nobody.
Yep. Nobody, 13 Mei 2004 16:24
E-mail and photo forums will be possible.

To Nobody.
ATTENTION ALL BUGS !bugpool.here Nobody, 13 Mei 2004 11:35
You will get your very own site, with many extra functions. Please tell me what other functions you'd like.


To Nothing.
about time! , 13 Mei 2004 13:32
''debugging w/ gillis''

To Nothing.
I want a room Omar, 13 Mei 2004 14:17
to be intimate with other bugs.

To Rosibutterfly.
this is all ... Rosibutterfly, 13 Mei 2004 15:29
very discombobulating Joggie... gotta think about it for a day or three...

To Rosibutterfly.
I got it ... I got it ... Rosibutterfly, 14 Mei 2004 03:18
Joggie, what I really really would like is a clock or something that shows what the time and date is in the different countries of the visiting bugs....!! We are always the first here in Australia... hahaha, but I guess you all know that by now eh?

To Nobody.
Ok Nobody, 14 Mei 2004 23:27
Many people want that.

To Sallysredbug.
ooooooooooooh Jogchem! Sallysredbug, 13 Mei 2004 16:27
what a wonderful concept!! its enough to make me wanna come back here and stay forever (fair warning y'all) mmmmm....delish!

To Dawn.
See what happens.... Dawn, 13 Mei 2004 16:49
when I go away :)

To Saga.
Jogchem..... Saga, 13 Mei 2004 17:14
you are sheer genius! Please include a help button for those of us who aren't.

To Nobody.
Yes Nobody, 14 Mei 2004 23:28
There will be a help forum. And some tutorials.

To Sis.
Thanks Jogchem~ Sis, 13 Mei 2004 18:29

To Mork.
Okay, here's my idea. Mork, 14 Mei 2004 01:43
I know this suggestion will meet some resistance, but for some of us, who sometimes have ''senior'' moments, or perhaps washed away a few too many brain cells with the aid of many cold beers, perhaps, a little mouseover tag, that appears only if you keep the mouse there for several seconds, that gives the name of the bug. Just an idea, but sometimes I have a hard time keeping track, especially with those who have several bugs they ''wear'' to the sink.

To Rosibutterfly.
this is brilliant Morkie ... Rosibutterfly, 14 Mei 2004 03:28
I second this! wouldn't work with the mouse though, cos we would have to 'mount' the other bug to see who it was.... hahaha

To Mork.
and... Mork, 14 Mei 2004 04:36
...this is a problem for you, rosi?

To Rosibutterfly.
nah .... Rosibutterfly, 14 Mei 2004 09:03
definitely not for me Morkie, but for some, I think it might be! : )

To Nobody.
ok Nobody, 14 Mei 2004 23:30
It's easy for the forums.
Also in the chat?

To Mork.
Yes! Mork, 15 Mei 2004 05:47
Yes, please, in the chat as well.

To Elling.
hello god Elling, 25 Jun 2006 22:40
cool! its nobody himself!! *bows down*


To Accalia.
Hey god, Accalia, 26 Jun 2006 01:25
How are you? *also bows down*
I like your ideas. I sing your praises.

To Nothing.
grasshopper grasshoopper, 03 Okt 2005 01:02

3 2 1

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