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Change: The solution to all my problems.

6 5 4 3 2 1

To Beabee.
changechange.here Beabee, 14 Jan 2005 01:48
I like the shadow
Colors are too far out

To Elling.
fatty Elling, 25 Jun 2006 02:18
wow your fat


To Nothing.
lifechange.here ks, 13 Nov 2004 15:56
just be

To Nothing.
woochange.here name, 10 Nov 2004 22:19

To Ellelle.
Woo Ellelle, 10 Nov 2004 23:21

To Ellelle.
*Wink* Ellelle, 10 Nov 2004 23:22

To Nothing.
yEs Sir, Sir, 08 Jul 2005 18:30
Is't mroe tahn deigsn, is't unerdtsnadnig!!!!

To Seekita.
change.here Seekita, 23 Okt 2004 03:20
I'd like to leave the country or something...run off and start a new life, leaving nearly all of my past behind...

To Nothing.
hi name, 23 Okt 2004 18:13
me too

To Nothing.
verry badchange.here game player, 19 Sep 2004 20:40
you have not friends. i would like to are your freind

To Esoterica.
solidaritychange.here Esoterica, 17 Jan 2004 01:30
friends? what are friends? it's all pointless anyway

To Nothing.
so what about gillis v/d vervloekte honden!!, 17 Jan 2004 01:45
ur philosophical goatee? does that have a point?

To Nothing.
satsukisan satsuki, 14 Okt 2004 03:06

To Nothing.
real writingchange.here Shiz, 28 Dec 2003 21:08
what is everyone supposed to think? I hate when people write stuff that they dont feel>or are just posing as in believing in something>>>
let me remind you the basics
of the rule we call our law
absence is a common need now
letting you know>everyone will fall

To Nancy.
changechange.here Nancy, 22 Nov 2003 04:59
No one changes unless they are so uncomfortable
that they have to.

To Chrys.
Oooooh i disagree Chrys, 07 Mrt 2005 07:01
You just THINK you dont change. Each hour is a learning experience. The minute you've turned around and had a new thought, you are a different person. Each time you step across the street, you have gone somewhere you were not before. Every moment you live, some part of your body has regenerated itself three times. Your whole body is a different set of cells every 7 years. Not a singe bit of your tissue, minerals or molecules was the same as what you had before. This evinces profound changes in one's mind whether you are aware that it snuck up on you or not! aayyy! And what would make one ''uncomfortable''? Perhaps realizing, eventually, the Trip is not about what ''you'' are but what effect your exsistance has on other people? Are your motions thru life hindering or supporting the happiness of others? Should you give a shit? Or yeah, think about it?

To Nothing.
it's okchange.here steph, 17 Nov 2003 00:03
we just need to find a place to be born

To Nothing.
poserschange.here tralala, 11 Nov 2003 18:14
are dumb followers who cant think fo themselves

To Poo.
need to burn Poo, 26 Aug 2004 01:25

6 5 4 3 2 1

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