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Dance with bear

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To Nothing.
I like it, I want itdance.here Mark Didj, 15 Jun 2003 14:03
Any chance of providing a small one for other sites as a link? I created an animated drummer, and with it a basic drummer that people can have as a link, www.unitingrhythms.co.uk/links/exchange.html,
perhaps you could do the same?

To Kisha.
WOWdance.here Kisha, 12 Jun 2003 18:13
I am amazed.

To Pruiu.
mydance.here Pruiu, 25 Mei 2003 02:53
....how addictive..too bad you can't make the fingers and toes go around..

To Nothing.
hhbfg srft, 09 Jun 2003 11:36

To Nothing.
too muchdance.here sexydancer, 17 Mei 2003 00:22
stop it! stop it! stop it! please...
can't bear anymore

To Nothing.
Ha55555555dance.here tarie, 07 Mei 2003 13:46
Ha ha Nice

To Feathers.
Poor little bearsdance.here Feathers, 02 Mei 2003 05:14
And yet, something perverse within my soul commands me to manipulate their dancing FURTHER. Aiyeeee!!!
Dance you fools, dance until your little legs fall off. Then dance some more.....

To Aurified.
The musicdance.here Aurified, 12 Apr 2003 22:26

To Nothing.
Ok not a ladybug, am I., 08 Jun 2003 16:11
*starts up the music

To Canvaas.
...happydance.here Canvaas, 02 Apr 2003 03:10
it makes me feel so...


To Nothing.
poor bearsdance.here name HAPPY G , 22 Mrt 2003 11:39
Who put those nails in you? Who tied you up with string and put pegs on your head. Is this nothing but bear abuse.

To Nothing.
title poor bearsdance.here name HAPPY G , 22 Mrt 2003 11:39
Who put those nails in you? Who tied you up with string and put pegs on your head. Is this nothing but bear abuse.

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