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Fatter or not?

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

To Nothing.
football maniacfat.here me, 14 Jan 2006 23:24
I watch football all the time

To Nothing.
in that case ., 14 Jan 2006 23:42
you are a maniac, and not restricted just to football

To Nothing.
fatfat.here betty sue, 05 Nov 2005 11:09
you should not be so low with your self as it is your own folt that you are FAT!

To Fredbeav.
.......fat.here Fredbeav, 03 Nov 2005 00:24
Im not happy, but when i say im Fine im not, ................ but...i...just........ do a little dance, ......do a little jig, and........eat some cake, HEY HEY! Eat some CAKE!!!

To Nothing.
a lot of people are fat not me!!!!!!!!!!fat.here samantha ybarra, 26 Okt 2005 19:58
sorry not trying to be a bitch but why the hell are you so happy???just cause your not fat?? who gives a shit?? there are so many people out there who are fat and skinly. we come in all diffrent shape and size, if we were to all look the same then the world would suck!!but were not all the same and thank god!!! so the next time you see a fat person don't be happy because there fat and your not just remember we all come in differnet packages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-{

To Nothing.
However ..... it is a truism Postman with hernia, 27 Okt 2005 00:43
that there are packages, fatter packages and exceedingly obese packages

To Nothing.
postman with hernia samantha ybarra , 28 Okt 2005 20:21
i so know what your saying but why the hell are people happy because there not fat there just lucky!!!!!!!

To Nothing.
cool name, 14 Jan 2006 23:25
im not fat ether

To Nothing.
scorpion name, 09 Apr 2006 19:11

To Bandits.
ok Bandits, 06 Jun 2006 02:55
june bug.

To Nothing.
flapfat.here flap747, 26 Okt 2005 14:13

To Nothing.
ti............................. name, 05 Nov 2005 11:19
fat people feel sorry for them selfs but it is stuiped, so shut your pie holes you fat people. just because you want to be thin so stop complaining and go on a diet YOU FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT PEOPLE (DIET)................................................................................................................................................

To Insomniac.
i thinkfat.here Insomniac, 14 Okt 2005 22:09
i am getting fatter. i can feel it. its weird i either eat too much or nothing at all.

To Nothing.
titlefgqer name dfghs, 21 Feb 2006 19:58

To Nothing.
klolfat.here anonimous, 20 Sep 2005 00:52
fu ck all

To Nothing.
long lost stufffat.here s sa san sand sandy, 24 Jul 2005 03:26
i long lost loser is a long lost loner hu likes listening to long lost lovers talk of long lost loves. this site was visited by myself because my teacher of long lost origins made me for my long lost english essay. i h8 skool. long lost me in a long lost world all by myself. no other lost person visits coz i'm a long lost loser. and a long lost loner...i need friends...or do i?? r ''friends'' just a part of our subjective consiousness which roam the world that we believe that we live in??? everything can be subjective, such as ''evil'' and ''good''. y do we even have words such as subjective??? this is the extent of my long lost knowledge

To Nothing.
Dear Long Lost Loser QUEEN BUG, 24 Jul 2005 16:01
you sad pathetic little bug, i pity you with as much pitifulness I can possibly find.
I hope you find new buggy friends here in Bugsville.
We all love you....welcome!

To Wordt.
how r fat pplfat.here Wordt, 07 Jul 2005 01:20
how r fat ppl today

To Nothing.
cheeeyyaaaa aireeka, 02 Aug 2005 20:07

To Wordt.
yehfat.here Wordt, 07 Jul 2005 01:20
SO YEH!!!!!!!!!

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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