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Gum collection.

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To Nothing.
Funny!gum.here Julie., 13 Feb 2004 06:13
That was very entertaining, and I do hope you collect more!

To Nothing.
ummgum.here my name, 10 Feb 2004 19:07
come on, dont just get girl's gums.. serious that is somewhat a hint of how fucked up things can get..

To Nothing.
the Spring Festvialgum.here xuxudong, 30 Jan 2004 06:43
in fact, i can eat a lot,however ,i cannot.that is all.

To Zachariah.
eat Zachariah, 12 Feb 2004 16:34
i like to eat too
mmm foood

To Yopwer.
hellogum.here Yopwer, 09 Dec 2003 20:46
what about you?


To Alli.
why is everything always impossiblegum.here Alli, 07 Dec 2003 16:52
okay, so when i find something that i think i cannot do, i will just try to move on but just end up in this tangle of i can't do anything and then i get so depressed. i guess i just can't do anything


To Henryhackit.
fear not Henryhackit, 07 Dec 2003 20:00
everything is possible, it's just a matter of Time Knowledge and Willpower. I mean, do you really want it? and why? Maybe it doesn't work out because you don't know exactly how to do it.. get some advice and learn how it should be done.. and Finally.. you would be amazed at how much is possible given enough time.. so you might just give up for now and try again later.

To Rosibutterfly.
nice, Henry ... Rosibutterfly, 08 Dec 2003 00:07
and belief is essential too, that it is possible!

To Nothing.
wow name, 11 Jan 2004 18:48
a text

To Alli.
thanks Alli, 08 Dec 2003 18:26
i just feel overwhelmed sometimes because nothing ever seems to take a break. i feel more focused now.

To Nothing.
nursegum.here namemit, 06 Dec 2003 12:21

To Bighfunk.
why can't this happen to me?gum.here Bighfunk, 03 Dec 2003 03:18
I would smile, and thank him, for caring so much about my waste. I would ask him to dinner, or maybe just to walk me back to my apartment. Maybe we'd hold hands.

To Alli.
yeah Alli, 07 Dec 2003 16:53
i know the feeling.

To Nothing.
Ameliegum.here BB, 10 Nov 2003 11:41
Merci pour aimez moi... Tu est tres jolie dans ma monde.

Je suis ''Bee''

To Nothing.
the best page in the net.gum.here imposivle, 08 Nov 2003 16:26
si llevo mas o menos 6 aƱos navegando por internet, creo que esta es la mejor pagina que he encontrado nunca. es evidente, no? no he descubierto america.

To Alunaroc.
orbitgum.here Alunaroc, 22 Okt 2003 16:12
blinded !!!

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