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Handy new talent.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

To Lumins.
mimicryhand.here Lumins, 19 Jan 2006 02:20
How long can they dance together, until one of them gets tired? Then the one that wants to continue to dance will have to dance with someone else. Their relationship will end.

Unless. They can synchronize their fatigue. Then they can start, and stop, when it feels right for both of them.


To Nothing.
title space time/physics name scott wagner, 07 Jan 2008 05:37
text hello i need the universe

To Nothing.
011hand.here leyla, 27 Dec 2005 11:55

To Nothing.
degbhyhfgbhand.here namehnyil, 09 Sep 2005 11:47

To Circumlocution.
WARNINGhand.here Circumlocution, 19 Mrt 2005 05:11


To Chrys.
Now all it needshand.here Chrys, 16 Mrt 2005 04:55
is a floating piano keyboard we can put across the fingers and play a tune....

To Nothing.
i really reallyhand.here name, 25 Feb 2005 16:37
ALLof them!!!
look what they do to us

To Nothing.
convict, 25 Feb 2005 16:48
speak for yourselfs. convicts here love women. obvioulsy not the kind of females that you like though.

To Nothing.
So let me get this straight woman, 25 Feb 2005 17:41
are you saying you really, really hate woman or women?

To Nothing.
I'd say that its possible you have convict, 25 Feb 2005 19:05
mistaken me for the person that ''really hates woman'' ''all of them''. convicts here ''love women''. all of them, but this would not include the type of females that they must like, unless their not being straight, which is also possible, but if that is the case then i wonder why they said what they said, but if that is the case i am enlightend by your curiousity.

To Pruiushead.
women Pruiushead, 25 Feb 2005 19:18
give me better sexual pleasure than you ever have

To Nothing.
but the ''woman'' is just a moutpiece convict, 25 Feb 2005 20:35
isnt she? it's what comes behind her, isnt it. and that's not bent. its just a dickhead giving a cunt something to flap about. excuse my language but as you can see i am a prisioner and im thinking that there must be some contrived reason for it. have we ever met by the way? i dont think we have but maybe we can when i'm finally set free

To Nothing.
I am not 'john'thekitchenfitter, 26 Feb 2005 12:26
a cunt

To Nothing.
convict, 26 Feb 2005 14:57

To Nothing.
gole_ross2001@yahoo.com vahide, 17 Mrt 2006 19:32

To Nothing.
i really reallyhand.here name, 25 Feb 2005 16:37
ALLof them!!!
look what they do to us

To Nothing.
hand.here Beautiful Stranger, 30 Jan 2005 00:41
I can think of 10 other ways to use my hands...

To Smith.
oh my gosh Smith, 30 Jan 2005 19:38

To Smith.
Smith, 30 Jan 2005 19:41
i love those circuler motions

To Elli.
!hand.here Elli, 19 Dec 2004 23:22
that is gross.... funny thou

To Chameell.
handshand.here Chameell, 03 Dec 2004 12:31
really brilliant...im going to think about feet now...

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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