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Itching life.

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To Nothing.
aahhhhhhhhhhhitch.here arual, 27 Jul 2002 06:14
I must leave. Wonderfully addictive your site is. thank you

To Nutzzane.
Awwitch.here Nutzzane, 23 Jul 2002 17:19
nothing seems to be going right for u. whenever im here ur always unhappy about something.... thats y ur life itches. ..... the best way..... fill whats empty...empty whats full....and scratch where it itches.

To Nothing.
Title 1 Hi, 28 Nov 2002 12:53

To Tracy.
wowitch.here Tracy, 21 Jul 2002 02:10
to me, itch represents nervousness and anxiety in this page. so life doesn't hurt or isn't fair or dosen't suck, it's ruled by fear of how we are seen by others.

<< 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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