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Kitchen is off-limits.

3 2 1

To Gollo.
Franz Kafkakitchen.here Gollo, 04 Okt 2002 18:33
can you emagine being an insect?

To Alysia.
Oh, literary jokes Alysia, 04 Okt 2002 18:36
Kafka's Metamorphosis. Very humourous. I like it. Well done.

To Nothing.
Please think first ! John , 05 Okt 2002 03:27
Kafka is just an anagram of Faakk !!! Why do we need to always lower the tone of these philsophical discussions ?

To Nothing.
My Canadian friend name, 07 Mrt 2005 13:14
says he has a Raven named Noka and a pet Unicorn with a reality complex.
I tend to believe his Badger likes hamburgers and the hefllump stays where it belongs. Let's hope his skunk really is friendly, im going to go visit in a couple of weeks.

To Nothing.
My Canadian friend chrys, 07 Mrt 2005 13:15
says he has a Raven named Noka and a pet Unicorn with a reality complex.
I tend to believe his Badger likes hamburgers and the hefllump stays where it belongs. Let's hope his skunk really is friendly, im going to go visit in a couple of weeks.

To Nothing.
titlennkitchen.here name, 01 Aug 2002 12:25

To Nothing.
merrcurykitchen.here barry white, 19 Jul 2002 18:54
what is going on here?

To Volatile.
Wait!kitchen.here Volatile, 16 Mei 2002 13:53
Aren't YOU also a part of the echosystem??

To Marlaine.
You know...kitchen.here Marlaine, 07 Apr 2002 06:56
As long as your steak doesn't eat the llama, you're pretty much safe...

To Rosanna.
No foodkitchen.here Rosanna, 25 Mrt 2002 17:19
no life

To Jax.
no life Jax, 14 Mei 2002 00:15
what next?

To Nutzzane.
no life??? Nutzzane, 14 Jun 2002 17:24
u wake up and realize that everything is all a dream.... and ur not human.... ur actually the fly around that garbage can

To Nothing.
no that cant beee slobodan zivkovic, 19 Aug 2002 02:04

To Nothing.
n obee roger, 06 Mei 2005 04:51
be fly bee

To Volatile.
no life Volatile, 16 Mei 2002 13:51
no food

To Volatile.
no food Volatile, 16 Mei 2002 13:52
no life

To Volatile.
no life Volatile, 16 Mei 2002 13:52
no food...

To Nothing.
pumakitchen.here Murphy, 03 Jan 2002 23:39
grr can i have ur puma?

3 2 1

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