




naam: Untermensch
latijns:zygaena ephialtes d
kenmerken: De Zygaena ephialtes is een dagactieve nachtvlinder uit de familie Zygaenidae, de bloeddrupjes.
Zwart en rood, de kleuren van de anarchistische gedachte

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Naar Untermensch.
Goei'nochtendkoffie.hier Untermensch, 01 Mei 2008 08:26


Naar Nothing.
L ? spin, 01 Mei 2008 09:59

Naar Spinovski.
L Spinovski, 01 Mei 2008 13:42
was vanochtend even onbereikbaar

Naar Nothing.
loesje tijdelijk niet berijkbaar; spin, 01 Mei 2008 19:59
zijn dat menselijke trekjes van loesje?

Naar Untermensch.
Christelijke verdraagzaamheid... Untermensch, 28 Apr 2008 07:07


Naar Nothing.
tja, het is een lger spin, 29 Apr 2008 05:04
en daar kan je tegen talibaneren

Naar Untermensch.
En dan is de Islam onverdraagzaam... Untermensch, 09 Apr 2008 14:44


Naar Untermensch.
Untermensch, 10 Feb 2008 08:20
Sixteen years old
when I went to the war
To fight for a land fit for heroes
God on my side
and a gun in my hand
Chasing my days down to zero

And I marched, and I fought
And I bled, and I died
And I never did get any older
But I knew at the time
That a year in the line
Was a long enough life for a soldier

We all volunteered
And we wrote down our names
And we added two years to our ages
Eager for life
And ahead of the game
Ready for history's pages

And we brawled, and we fought
And we hoped to be stuped
Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder
At thirst for the Hun
We were food for the gun
And that's what you are when you're soldiers

Naar Untermensch.
Untermensch, 10 Feb 2008 08:21
I heard my friend cry
As he sank to his knees
Coughing blood as he screemed for his mother
And I fell by his side
And that's how we died
Clinging like kids to each other

And I lay in the mud, and the guts and the blood
And I wept as his body grew colder
And I called for my mother, but she never came
Though it wasn't my fault, and I wasn't to blame
The day not half over, and ten thousand slain
And now there's nobody remembers our names
And that's how it is
For each soldier


Naar Untermensch.
Untermensch, 09 Feb 2008 00:59
When the stars fall down on me,
And the sun refuse to shine,
Then may the shackles be undone,
And all the old words, cease to rhyme.
If the skies, turn into stone,
It will matter not at all,
For there is no heaven in the sky,
Hell does not wait for our downfall,

Let the voice of reason shine,
Let the pious vanish for all times,
God´s face is, hidden, all unseen,
You can´t ask him what it all means
He was never on your side,
God was never on your side
Let right or wrong, alone decide,
God was never on your side.

Naar Untermensch.
Untermensch, 09 Feb 2008 01:00
See the ten thousand ministries,
See the holy righteous dogs,
They claim to heal
but all they do is steal,
Abuse your faith, cheal & rob.
If god is wise, why is he still,
When these false prophets
call him friends,
Why is he silent, is he blind,
Will he see nothing in the end,

Let the sword of reason shine,
Let us be free of prayer & shrine
God´s face is hidden, turned away
He never has a word to say
He was never on your side
God was never on your side
Let right or wrong, alone decide,
God was never on your side.

He was never on your side,
God was never on your side
Never, Never, Never, Never,
Never on your side,
God was never on your side,
Never on your side.

God was never on your side,
Let right or wrong,
On our own decide,
God was never on your side


Naar Untermensch.
Untermensch, 25 Dec 2007 09:26
Voor wie er (tegen beter weten in) toch nog in gelooft...


Naar Untermensch.
Stop de verWildering !!! Untermensch, 02 Dec 2007 15:55


Naar Henger.
ja Henger, 05 Dec 2007 17:42
van ALLE partijen.

Naar Untermensch.
Wat zullen we drinken....begraaf.hier Untermensch, 05 Nov 2007 17:52


Naar Untermensch.
Untermensch, 05 Nov 2007 17:57


Naar Bobbybeer.
geeft u mij zoveel Bobbybeer, 05 Nov 2007 18:43
dat ik niet meer weet met u gedronken te hebben of zo Reeds!

Naar Untermensch.
Tristesse...begraaf.hier Untermensch, 04 Nov 2007 18:10


Naar Marlies.
de komende 13 maanden Marlies, 04 Nov 2007 22:21
kan ik maar beter overslaan.

Naar Untermensch.
Vandaag, 8 oktober, Untermensch, 08 Okt 2007 16:07
is het veertig jaar geleden dat Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna werd geëxecuteerd door Boliviaanse militairen. De mythe leeft echter nog altijd...


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