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naam: Bigsisterjojo
latijns:rhagio scolopacea - snipvlieg
features: You want mine or the bugs? As for me, I'm blunt, honest, faithfull, and trustworthy. I'm either your friend or I'm not. I have no middle ground. I like to be around others who are likewise.I've found that most folks aren't looking for true friendship. The ones that are a few and far between. I'd rather have a few great friends than an auditorium full of users. Only the trustworthy need apply....And who cares what you look like? Not me....

To Bigsisterjojo.
Listeningneighbor.here Bigsisterjojo, 14 Feb 2005 00:29
I say he's got a glass on the wall searching for the best spot to listen to the couple next door....Who knows?
I like this. It makes me think.


To Bigsisterjojo.
Toestoes.here Bigsisterjojo, 12 Feb 2005 00:46
What in the world? I have strange dreams too. How did you Make it look so real. A friend thought it was real. I told her it had to be photography. Whatever...Thanks for the entertainment. And I truly like reading the messages... Thanks again... Bigsisterjojo


To Bigsisterjojo.
Great! Bigsisterjojo, 12 Feb 2005 00:25
This site is great! I've laughed more in the last 30 minutes than I have in a long time.
Cool! Really...Thank You....


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