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naam: Bugbeds
latijns:hylecoetus dermestoides

To Bugbeds.
I have a sudden urge...gum.here Bugbeds, 07 Jan 2005 14:21
to chew a big wad of gum. When I'm done with my gum, I like to spit it out in front of me, then kick it before it hits the ground. Once, when I went to kick it, I missed, the gum fell on the ground, and my foot landed on the gum. Another time, I kicked it, a pretty good kick too, but then stepped on it completely by accident a few seconds later.

To Nothing.
eee name, 18 Feb 2005 14:46

To Nothing.
trtfg gfgsdfg, 22 Dec 2006 09:49

To Bugbeds.
I just want to say that...corners.here Bugbeds, 07 Jan 2005 14:05
I have no response to that.

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