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naam: Buttercup
latijns:amblyteles armatorius

To Buttercup.
imaginecomplain.here Buttercup, 15 Feb 2003 05:19
imagine life with nothing to complain about... wouldn't we all become dull and boring. no reason to go out there and see the world, make a change, or be a better person. our hair will grow and never be cut... simply because we'll all be content at whatever length.

To Buttercup.
more than necessarybird.here Buttercup, 15 Feb 2003 05:14
this happened to me more than once. and so i wonder... why me?!

To Buttercup.
maybedo.here Buttercup, 15 Feb 2003 05:07
maybe... there's no such thing as ''what i should've done''. what if all our decisions and actions are pre-destined? if there is a god, he already knows what we'll be doing the next second. it's only up to us to ''realize'' the purpose of our journey.

To Buttercup.
whatmoment.here Buttercup, 28 Feb 2002 16:04
a wonderful insight. i catch myself every once in a while in that same instance, and that's when i just want to melt and remember the details.

To Buttercup.
really?world.here Buttercup, 28 Feb 2002 15:38
how do we know if the world hasn't ended? and that we're all just living a dream? if that's so... i'm somewhere between nightmare and redemption

To Nobody.
you worry too much. Nobody, 04 Mrt 2002 19:58
really, you do.

To Nothing.
The war Paul, 11 Mrt 2003 04:44
I love you Michelle

To Nutzzane.
yeah... Nutzzane, 14 Jun 2002 15:07
what if we're dreaming and the end of the world is actually the begginning?.... but wat the hell.....if the world end... then at least we wont live to see the day it end.... too bad... earth was once a beautiful place

To Buttercup.
freakyfarewell.here Buttercup, 28 Feb 2002 15:20

To Buttercup.
how do you find it?theory.here Buttercup, 28 Feb 2002 15:15
everyone is constantly trying to search for happiness or grasp it in their hands... you get a glimpse of it the moment you stop and appreciate what's there :)

To Buttercup.
sweetlight.here Buttercup, 26 Feb 2002 12:47
little candy hearts are meant to be broken. just like mine i guess

To Nothing.
titlesssss ssss, 26 Feb 2002 16:41

To Annadel.
hum... Annadel, 30 Apr 2002 04:51
broken? eaten is more likely...

To Nothing.
or name, 15 Jun 2002 11:24
true it is easy to crunch them or crack them , but sucking is good too...requires patience, but they last longer

To Whatever.
...... Whatever, 25 Okt 2002 15:22
sucking! a heartjuice out-sucker sticking to me and i am slightly.. masochistic so i let him and well.. pretty empty meanwhile..its like leaning to the one side and knowing it but cant get your body back straight..somehow..

To Whatever.
..... Whatever, 25 Okt 2002 15:29
but theyre just to sweeeeeet...
and fuck - if someone r e a l l y sucks out your heart (harrharr...)...i am slightly masochistic and had it ready - now pretty empty. heartjuices missing.. its like you leaning to one side and you know it but you just cant get your body back straight.. somehow.

To Nonicname.
wounds Nonicname, 03 Nov 2002 07:03
find someone to lick your wounds

To Buttercup.
sweet candyheart.here Buttercup, 26 Feb 2002 12:09
yup, this place is just like sweet candy. really really cool

To Nothing.
wow bin, 12 Mrt 2002 10:27

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