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naam: Curtishere
latijns:coccinella septempunctata-zevenstippelig lieveheersbeestje

To Curtishere.
No im not pretending that its Curtishere, 05 Mei 2005 11:08
curtis russel here. Although i do get confused when im pretending that im someone else thinking that their me if you know what i mean, but, oh fuck, i thought it was polling day yesterday. ''Oi let me ave ago of your bird''. Sweeet.

To Nothing.
Curtis sortofconfucious, 05 Mei 2005 11:24
im tinking that the person you is pretending to be gets confused when he is tinking about you and that when you is pretending that you is this person you is also likely to be getting confused like he is

To Curtishere.
In which case Curtishere, 05 Mei 2005 11:34
i hope you forgive me if i forget myself and instead just act in a manner becoming who i am pretending to be

To Nothing.
burner, 05 Mei 2005 13:16
we are e e e. thats what you wanted to say. now take it down you've proved a point>

To Nothing.
tatianaschneider@caiweb.com.br tatianaschneider@caiweb.com.br, 25 Mei 2005 18:49
ola olha q divertido

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