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naam: Electra
latijns:nepa cinerea - askleurige water schorpioen

To Electra.
Last petalflower.here Electra, 28 Feb 2004 04:54
I just stopped before removing the last petal. That way she exists.

To Electra.
Gum storagegum.here Electra, 28 Feb 2004 04:51
Does the gum have to be preserved in any way? Is it refridgerated or frozen? Will it last forever?

To Electra.
How does one make Electra, 14 Feb 2004 06:14
those little drawings that show up next to the title line?

To Nothing.
You do this ..... A helpful person ™, 14 Feb 2004 10:40
(1) Click on Nobody sitting at his computer - top left (2) Click on one of the topics which scroll behind the computer - example, car (3) Click on comments top right corner (4) add hopefully interesting comment (5) return to bugs page. I hope this was of some help.

To Mork.
You Mork, 14 Feb 2004 17:19
are so helpful!

To Nothing.
Thank you A helpful person ™, 14 Feb 2004 18:19
I do try to be helpful

To Nothing.
Perhaps A helpful person ™, 14 Feb 2004 18:29
You need some help ?

To Mork.
Oh yes. I do need help. Mork, 14 Feb 2004 18:46
Can you tell me how to uninstall Norton Antivirus?

To Nothing.
In fact A helpful person ™, 14 Feb 2004 18:57
I did this by mistake last year - but I can't remember how ! Have you tried a vacuum cleaner to see if you can suck it out ? I hope this may be of some help - but suspect not. Henry on the Dutch side is the computer whiz. Post him a note.

To Mork.
Yes... Mork, 14 Feb 2004 19:43
tried sucking it out by putting the leaf blower in reverse....the instructions the Symantec folks provided proved to be about as useful as a wet cat. I'll see if I can get in touch with Henry, thanks!

To Electra.
Thank you Electra, 28 Feb 2004 04:57
That was very nice. You must spend a lot of time maintaining your site. You got back to me so quickly.

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