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naam: Foreversaved
latijns:ptinus fur f-diefje
features: I'm not a title or a role, nor your impression of me or my impression of myself. Calvino said, ''I am my world.'' Impressions, thoughts, experiences, memories, reflections, emotions, people, places... Not denying nor indulging in the physical; I am me.

I love the quiet of the night, its silence, when the world stops its turning and for a moment, I feel that all chaos ceases and the peacefulness is undisturbed. I like to use these moments to think, or sometimes, to not think at all and just explore the quiet emptiness.

Why do they assume the night is a woman? What right do they have? But yes, they grip her by the shoulders and tell her, 'You are nature, and therefore a woman.' So I close my eyes and let the waves and the shadows carry me back to that from whence I came; it is where I belong, with the rest of my kind, embracing our judgment until we are nothing but bodies. Bodies - thrown one atop the other like piles of beautiful corpses they call art. Then I blink and answer, 'Yes, I love the night.'

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To Foreversaved.
Disturbingbear.here Foreversaved, 16 Jun 2003 22:22
This is so disturbing. Experimental, as much of art is, but it seems almost sin to toy with human conscience in such a way. I can almost expect the bear to come back and hurt me - revenge of the toys? Creative. It feels like I'm delving further into a mind than I would like to go. The bear essentially represents childhood, joy, and all those things to me, and I feel like a sick, sadistic person to engage in these activities, even if it's only on a screen. I almost want to jump and hide the screen when I think I hear people coming.


To Ansol.
sad Ansol, 22 Jun 2003 09:16
They always make stuffed bears so sad looking. Of course bad things are going to happen to him: that's what he's expecting! Furthermore, I didn't choose to do these things to the innocent toy. A stranger set up an elaborate series of web pages to train me to click away...all to torture the poor, poor bear. I'M certainly not the sick one...
But seriously, it is pretty comical.

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