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naam: Foreversaved
latijns:ptinus fur f-diefje
features: I'm not a title or a role, nor your impression of me or my impression of myself. Calvino said, ''I am my world.'' Impressions, thoughts, experiences, memories, reflections, emotions, people, places... Not denying nor indulging in the physical; I am me.

I love the quiet of the night, its silence, when the world stops its turning and for a moment, I feel that all chaos ceases and the peacefulness is undisturbed. I like to use these moments to think, or sometimes, to not think at all and just explore the quiet emptiness.

Why do they assume the night is a woman? What right do they have? But yes, they grip her by the shoulders and tell her, 'You are nature, and therefore a woman.' So I close my eyes and let the waves and the shadows carry me back to that from whence I came; it is where I belong, with the rest of my kind, embracing our judgment until we are nothing but bodies. Bodies - thrown one atop the other like piles of beautiful corpses they call art. Then I blink and answer, 'Yes, I love the night.'

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To Foreversaved.
Reachingreach.here Foreversaved, 11 Nov 2003 19:19
''Ah!...But a man's reach must exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?'' - Robert Browning

Clichés are made for a reason. This one's still true.


To Foreversaved.
Sensualityintimate.here Foreversaved, 19 Jun 2003 07:32
There's sensuality in that little piece of communicated warmth. Too often we forget that it doesn't have to be about sex. It can be, but it can also be an all-consuming glance, where in that moment, both parties unwittingly conquer each other's worlds. So many contingencies.

It's like the description of my blogring - Les Cafés Littéraires:
''To sit in a café in Paris - all tables lined with chairs facing streets - the city lives its own entertainment, granting freedom of release from self-consciousness and by anonymity. Here is where atmosphere births in circumstance to dance on one's lips to the tune of la Seine singing; as the glass is raised, the wine flows out from pen onto paper. That, which was birthed in circumstance, granted eternal life through word transcending all mediums of sense. Pour ceux qui aiment les arts et la vie.''

There's a sensuality in being able to literally taste the flavor of the passing life that's altogether intimate.


To Rosi.
thank you... Rosi, 22 Jun 2003 14:21
Elizabeth for leaving me a hello..... you keep on sliding around the sink and having fun... ya hear?

To Foreversaved.
Ripwallpaper.here Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 16:16
It's so easy to rip. Ah, there's a little nick, can't leave it there, it's ugly, it's marked, it's old, it's flawed. So let's just peel this little piece off or cover it - nobody would ever notice. Oops, too much came off. I guess you'll just have to take the whole piece. Oh crud, the one below it too? How many are there. [Don't let curiosity get the better of you. No! It's not worth it. What's the point?] Tear. Whoops. There it goes. How deep does the rabbit hole go?


To Foreversaved.
Hello! Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 15:43
Hello! I'm Elizabeth, the bug who had too much fun sliding around the sink. And here's to drop a hello to you, because an arrogant spider is trying to take over the sink!


To Foreversaved.
Thenescape.here Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 14:23
go! Why do you close yourself in with these words that go around and around again.


To Foreversaved.
This is sadavoid.here Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 14:10
Not the page, but because it seems to be the truth. ''...purity or their impurity discussed. If you start a society for Pure English, they will show their resentment by starting another for Impure English. Hence, the unnatural violence of much modern speech'' - Virginia Woolf


To Nothing.
mooooooo moo, 18 Jun 2003 15:12
hi i miss u

To Foreversaved.
You Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 15:50
Hi! You scared me.


To Nothing.
insent name, 18 Jun 2003 15:56

To Foreversaved.
If I gathered all the post-it notesbook.here Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 13:48
- not just the post-it notes, but all the mental notes - about all the things I had intended to do, that would be a book in itself. And the lack of structure could stupefy everybody except those who already knew me and wouldn't have to read the book in the first place. Half the critics would hate it and the other half would call it ''postmodern'', ''stream-of-consciousness'' or ''avant-garde''. The only thing I'd agree with would be that it would be brutally honest - the honest proof of my procrastination/lack of drive.


To Foreversaved.
Started a cycle of thoughtsmoment.here Foreversaved, 18 Jun 2003 13:36
The big moment seems to happen all too often, and still I don't know exactly how to react or what to do. It's the extreme excitement/elation-fear/trepidation-anxiety/nervousness-final resignation of anticipation that has me tingling like being woken up too quickly in the morning to be filled with coffee and nothing else. It's a caffeine high, a coffee overdose, an I'm-hyper-but-don't-know-what-will-happen-when-it-comes-true-or-if-I-fall feeling. And then the ball drops. Or the shell drops. I'm stuck in this brief moment(f_where.here) of lingering afterward, where there are a million places that I could go. And I end up as the shell(shell.here), full of hopeful/encased optimism, or as the floating heart(light.here) that clashes too often with others before I finally burn and crack. It all depends. I think this world(justme) of too many soulless images that say too much is consuming too much of me.


To Foreversaved.
Justwait.here Foreversaved, 17 Jun 2003 02:57
Just to wait, a face hidden within a crowd. There's freedom within the living city - not the rush-culture of the blindly running, but the walking culture of the appreciative. In the crowd where people are walking for the sake of it, unlike in the staring crowds, there is no scrutiny. I am free to wait at my own pace or to walk as well. Just one in a million, but amidst the living city there is no loneliness. Only on this city upon a hill...such a symbolic name and so pretty to look at. But there is no place in a sleeping city for me. No place. I must stop coming here where there's...nobody here...it only solidifies my loneliness.


To Solemnity.
~ eloquent ~ Solemnity, 17 Jun 2003 03:54
Thank you for sharing your web site. Keep on
writing & embrace the humour in life!


To Foreversaved.
Nicenose.here Foreversaved, 16 Jun 2003 22:47
Literally plucks the strings at all of society's ''unscratchable itches''. Pain vs. Beauty or more precisely, Pain=Beauty. On doit souffrir pour être beau/belle, n'est-ce pas?


To Nothing.
Your nose piercing Jimmy K., 17 Jun 2003 09:17
Get nose piercing from us


To Nothing.
Nice nose Jimmy K., 17 Jun 2003 09:19
Nose piercing for guy

Rave !!

To Nothing.
adam hakan, 24 Jun 2003 11:16

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