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naam: Gin
latijns:bembix rostrata - harkwesp

To Gin.
rememberingremember.here Gin, 26 Jan 2004 19:48
I love to remember all the people in my life that have touched my heart. My grandmother, my best friend, my husband, and my darling daughter Moira, especially Moira. She has changed my life completely and the fulfillment I experience as a wife and mother are like no other. Always remember those you have loved and still love.

To Gin.
sadness Gin, 25 Jan 2004 19:11
My grandmother, who I called Malove, died two weeks ago, and I am sad because I miss her. She was my friend, I talked to her all the time and visited her, and now I have a big empty space in my heart.

To Dawn.
Oh Gin Dawn, 25 Jan 2004 19:24
Fill that space in your heart with precious memories, think about her and hear her laughter.
Sending you a hug {{GIN}}

To Gin.
Very Funnose.here Gin, 22 Jan 2004 04:33
This is great!

To Nothing.
titlegiiooo nameiop[], 22 Jan 2004 15:59

To Nothing.
hen chen, 22 Jan 2004 17:59
you stiuped

To Nothing.
very fun Weed, 22 Jan 2004 23:34
Facing the sunset with the darkness rising up behind me, I felt pretty brave. But when I turned around, I was became shitless.

To Nothing.
? G88gle, 24 Jan 2004 13:12
You mean you Weed your pants ?

To Nothing.
âëãëãâ ëâëâ, 29 Jan 2004 08:57

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