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naam: Kensa
latijns:dolichovespula sylvestris - boswesp

To Kensa
Day by day. Kensa, 25 Nov 2022 02:03
I sometimes don't feel like my pills are helping me. Do I rely on it too much?

To Sjeu
That's a very healthy thought! Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:29
And a good opportunity to learn about your self. You might already know that synthetic medication is always detrimental to your body's immunesystem and causes harm in many other ways. And how doctors are rewarded by big pharma for prescribing them so they will usually want to prevent people from detoxing from it.

To Sjeu
The most important thing is Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:31
to take very small steps in lowering dose. Otherwise you risk permanent damage like chronic nerve pain or epileptic seisures. Also the symptoms you once wanted to surpress and mask, might re-emerge for a while in a severe way, when you first reduce your intake. Your body needs to find a new healthy balance and has to detox so the poison can leave your body.. Also your mind has to remember how to actually feel you and mindfully interpret any emotional and physical signal for optimal attunement.

To Sjeu
You really want to take your time Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:31
during this proces and take into account that it might take up to a year or more, after taking the last dose, before you are free of possible confusion and fysical unease. However I think you will not regret it in the end because by deleting drug dependency, you regain your self healing powers and autonomy. Once you detox, your mind and body will improve greatly in vitality!

To Sjeu
To quit taking drugs in a practical way Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 09:55
when you take multiple drugs, you want to start quiting the one with the smallest dose, as to grow into a state of selfhealing. Take off only a very small part of the usual dosage and maintain this reduced dose for at least a month before you reduce the dose again. When you have fased out that particular drug, you wait another month before reducing the dose of any other type of drug. You want go one by one. It's wise to inform the people close so they can understand + support you when needed.

To Sjeu
During the proces it is helpful Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:33
to learn about how your body works. I learned a lot from the traditional german medicine and the five-biological laws of nature. Very insightful and I have no more fear of illness of any kind because of it. You might also want to support your body by practicing a healthy lifestyle. Every little step has value here and you can start or restart doing that every day.


To Sjeu
I make my own natural remedies Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:37
and use organic, nutrient dense, unprocessed food and herbs as medication. This has been working really well for me.

Food and lifestyle actually impact the expression of our genes. You might have heard about epigenetics?
It's been a wonderful journey so far and I enjoy learning more and more on this everyday. Making fermented food and experimenting with phytotherapy and sometimes photobiomodulation therapy with NIR light.


To Sjeu
about the benefits Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 05:10
of light therapy


To Sjeu
As an example for a natural remedy Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:39
for reducing anxiety, feeling safe, soothing the nervesystem, boosting immunesystem and improving sleep you can either try gaba, kava or maca powder or you can use some adaptogen herbs like ginseng, ashwaganda, rhodolia rosea or turmeric. There are a lot of medicinal mushrooms and you can make tinctures or infused oils from different plants and herbs that have medicinal properties.

To Sjeu
The thing with buying supplements is Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:41
that you have to be aware of taking pure substances. Watching labels is important. Most supp's have more filling additives and preservatives than actual working properties. And the extra substances that are used, are usually very harmful. After all it's also the pharmaceutic industry, using a different label. The most frequent used ingredients are bad news i.e. E 385, E 460 and E 464. This also applies for most processed food.


To Sjeu
Something to be mindful of Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:45
is how a lot of really informative online information has been removed in the past couple of years and a lot of articles that are still online, contain incomplete or sometimes false information because of sponsor-involvement or censorship. You have to take into account that big pharma, big food and big agra are long time friends and share economic interests by maintaining us attached to their junk. Remember this when you look for information and please be discerning with what you consume.

To Sjeu
In my proces I also learn from Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:48
watching online video's from informed people that share my view of maintaining good health. I will mention some of the YT channels I follow on health topics. Maybe some of them resonate with you too or can help you find your own inspiration. For example you can try these live lectures from dr. John Bergman


To Sjeu
Also Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 04:49
video's from The real truth about health

video's from Ryan Taylor

video's from dr. Eric Berg

video's from dr. Chatterjee Rangan

To Sjeu
Trust your inner knowing Sjeu, 27 Nov 2022 10:49
and the original wisdom of your body. You know what is best for you and how to take charge of your life. You have the key to your healing journey and to being the best version of yourself. It will not be easy but know you are very capable, really brave and way stronger then you might expect. Just start somewhere and go with what comes up. You will do just fine. What ever you choose to do, I wish you all the best in your proces!


To Sjeu
But if you want to take up anything Sjeu, 09 Dec 2022 10:36
from this, you only have to remember that selfhealing can only take place in a state of rest. Only when your mind and body are soft and open to change. Practically; start minimizing pressure, triggers and stress. Mentally allow your body to heal and take a deep breath every time you think of it and keep breathing deeply as long as you feel comfortable. Doing just this wil get you into a state of self healing. Good luck!

To Kensa
Small Vent Kensa, 16 Okt 2022 12:34
I sometimes wonder if I missed a lot in life. I just think that I just do so. It sounds like a sob story but I never got invited to anything. I never had the chance to get a partner in person. All of it sounds too far gone for me now.

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