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naam: Megmacf
latijns:ammophila sabulosa - rupsendoder

To Megmacf.
Coffeecoffee.here Megmacf, 21 Aug 2006 06:02
Just go to Timmy's, demand a Double-Double, and fortify yourself on that 18% cream and 2.5 TSP sugar, and store that fat for winter!

To Nothing.
is that teaspoon or tablespoon? suga make da brain bounce good, 21 Aug 2006 07:04
'coz if it is teaspoon I ain't innerested

To Andysmithhall.
death before decaf Andysmithhall, 21 Aug 2006 14:19
Around here it's coffee zone, and it's rocket fuel, three sugars and lots o' cream!


To Nothing.
I am confused. TelevisionToes, 01 Mrt 2007 20:04
What is this?

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