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naam: Parrxtkun
latijns:saturnia pyri - grote nachtpauwoog

To Parrxtkun
:)pool.here Parrxtkun, 30 Jan 2023 15:47
the bandaid is great at swimming :)

To Sjeu
Maybe it studied disfunctional patterns Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:05
and wants to avoid repeating them. Things like;

1.) The 'No Matter What' Pattern: One person in the relationship may feel like they are committed to the relationship no matter what, even if it is harmful to them or if their partner is not committed in the same way.

2.) The 'Yes' Pattern: One person in the relationship always says ''yes'' to their partner's needs, wants, and demands, even if it is not in their best interest.

To Sjeu
~ Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:06
3.) The Covert Boundary Pattern: One person in the relationship has covert or hidden boundaries, which can lead to confusion and resentment from the other person.

4.) The Dupe Pattern: One person in the relationship feels like they have been tricked or deceived by their partner, leading to a lack of trust and safety.

To Sjeu
~ Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:07
5.) The Human Hyphen Pattern: One person in the relationship feels like they are not enough on their own and they need their partner to complete them.

6.) The If You Loved Me Pattern: One person in the relationship uses conditional statements to try and manipulate their partner into doing what they want.

To Sjeu
~ Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:09
7.) The Only From You Pattern: One person in the relationship feels like they can only receive love, validation, or approval from their partner, leading to co-dependency.

8.) The No Resolve Pattern: One person in the relationship avoids resolving conflicts or issues, leading to unresolved tension and resentment.

To Sjeu
~ Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:10
9.) The Baby and the Bathwater Pattern: One person in the relationship has a tendency to throw out everything good in the relationship when things go wrong, rather than working to resolve the issue.

10.) The Modified Puzzle Piece Pattern: One person in the relationship tries to change or modify themselves to fit into the relationship, rather than embracing their authentic selves.

To Sjeu
Wherever there is a relationship Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:33
between entities, these patterns can happen.

If a pattern in your life repeats, the universe is wanting you to decide and to do something different. The question you need to be asking yourself is: “What is the universe wanting me to decide and do different this time than I did the last time(s)?”

You can only avoid crisis, prevent serious pain and maintain stability if you recognize truths and act according to them when they first appear.

To Sjeu
Until then Sjeu, 12 Mrt 2023 12:44
it can indeed feel like being a band-aid in a pool.. Where you (unconsciously) project a sense of self rejection on the people around you.

And if you do what you did, you keep getting what you've gotten.

Once you learn about the patterns you're familiar with, you can practice stretching your ways with the intention of growing into strong, healthy and authentic connections.

To Parrxtkun
falling down the rabbitholeears.here Parrxtkun, 30 Jan 2023 01:33
this website is so cool

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