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naam: Peetzy
latijns:acantholyda erythrocephala m
features: In the middle of our crowded world, alone with my precious thoughts

To Peetzy.
The truth is...bear.here Peetzy, 08 Nov 2004 21:39
There is a sadist in all of us. On the right time in the right place and with the right mental twist and circumstances...

To Chipndale.
shall i hit you Chipndale, 08 Nov 2004 22:27
one more time?

To Ellelle.
Yes Ellelle, 09 Nov 2004 01:25
Please, then kick me while I'm down... I so deserve a good trouncing.

To Faggot.
Hey, now! Faggot, 09 Nov 2004 06:43
The only one allowed to be trounced around here is me! *le sigh* Where are you, Niels...

To Peetzy.
I'm tryingreach.here Peetzy, 11 Aug 2004 12:34
and trying so hard to reach out to the one I care about so much, not being able actually to be together. Bending over towards her trying to touch her skin makes me unstable, but I don't care. If I will fall I know I'll be falling in her arms.

To Mici.
All Mici, 11 Aug 2004 17:32
I have is his skin on my skin, his lips on my lips, his hands around me. All I have are his fingers on my face, his kiss on my eyes, his look to make me know that he cares. He is the person, for who I would give everything to be able to love him. And I will be here to catch you anytime you fall. Always. *

To Starr.
what Starr, 11 Aug 2004 18:53
a love story!

To Starr.
so long as Starr, 11 Aug 2004 19:21
he doesn't SQUASH you when he falls on you! : S

To Gillis.
e e ! Gillis, 11 Aug 2004 19:32
i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite a new thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like,, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh . . . . And eyes big Love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you quite so new


To Sis.
My favorite ee Sis, 11 Aug 2004 23:09
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

To Gillis.
this is mine: Gillis, 12 Aug 2004 00:55
i am a beggar always
who begs in your mind

(slightly smiling, patient, unspeaking
with a sign on his
BLIND)yes i

am this person of whom somehow
you are never wholly rid(and who

does not ask for more than
just enough dreams to
live on)
after all, kid

you might as well
toss him a few thoughts

a little love preferably,
anything which you can't
pass off on other people: for
instance a
plugged promise-

the he will maybe (hearing something
fall into his hat)go wandering
after it with fingers;till having

what was thrown away
taptaptaps out of your brain, hopes, life
to(carefully turning a
corner)never bother you any more

To Gillis.
lousy c&p job Gillis, 12 Aug 2004 09:40
typo in the original...


To Nothing.
someone else's typo! a gil-fan, 12 Aug 2004 15:31
it didn't occur to me - i'm too quick to point the finger (due to recent events) ... that was my bad, not yours

To Starr.
e e........................ Starr, 12 Aug 2004 14:55

To Starr.
e e......................... Starr, 12 Aug 2004 14:59

To Peetzy.
Colourssynchronized.here Peetzy, 22 Mei 2004 21:46
shapes, impressions. We all think we see reality. Though reality is a product of our minds, fed by a random load of signals from the world around us. We believe what we see but what exactly do we see..? That should be questioned, it's madening.

To Henryhackit.
sorry Henryhackit, 23 Mei 2004 02:01
you are wrong. Reality is not inside our head. it is the perception of reality that is inside our head. a partial, incomplete copy of what we think is out there. Since all copies of this 'reality' are incomplete, no one can truely see reality as a whole and therefore nobody is completely right or wrong... I guess that means you could be right then and I could be wrong here. I think I'm going mad now.

To Peetzy.
Hmm... Peetzy, 23 Mei 2004 13:16
what kind of person would you be if you actually could see reality as a whole..? Guess we human beings are not able to cope with it (yet). Besides that, your perception will be crushed instantly and therefore you will lose your personality... Damn, I'm feeling sorry for God!

To Henryhackit.
Omniscience Paradox Henryhackit, 23 Mei 2004 15:04
If you were to be able to percieve reality as a whole, you would have to know a few things about every smalest particle in the entire universe. The problem here is that you will need to store this information in a medium (brain) to be able to draw conclusions and make predictions(percieve). Lets say that this medium we use to store all the information of an atom in a single atom... we would still need twice as much medium as there is material in the universe. And as a result of the added material: we need to add more material to percieve this added material and therewith create a new paradox we will never solve. Unless ofcourse.. the medium IS the universe. What kind of person would you be if you could percieve reality as a whole? You would have to BE reality itself. But even then, could you percieve yourself without making a change to that which you want to percieve?

To Nothing.
who says reality gillis rather hung-over..., 23 Mei 2004 17:10
is material? this so called paradox goes for the universe itself as well: where ís the universe? does it lie in a box? dangle from a ceiling? lean against a wall? it seems to me that it is logically impossible that there is a material basis for matter... but just guessing!

To Henryhackit.
- Henryhackit, 23 Mei 2004 17:55
I am not saying that truth is matter, what I am saying is that matter is a part of the truth and that if we are physically incapable of even grasping that.. how could we even begin to comprehend the remaining part?. But there is a more mathematical explanation of this paradox using cantor's theorem, if you are interested.


To Henryhackit.
for instance Henryhackit, 23 Mei 2004 18:03
it would be far easier to remember the immaterial truth: 'Gillis has a hangover' but this leaves room for debate as to what a 'hangover' really is or that in fact Gillis is experiencing the effects of it or has built up a tolerance. The simple fact that the material waste products of alcohol consumption have built up in your body and the exact location of these waste products signify truth in a much clearer and undebatable fasion.

To Nothing.
deception the name of my autonamonous self is katy, 23 Mei 2005 00:17
sense experience decieves therefore we do not gain real knowledge from experience it can only be gained through reason but reason can never be completely independant of sense experience therefore nothing can be known

To Insomniac.
enlightenment Insomniac, 28 Dec 2004 15:04
thats what being enlightened is, isn't it? when you understand the universe and reality and how it all works.

To Peetzy.
If you get that far Peetzy, 06 Feb 2005 17:37
you've reached the Nirvana. But do we want to reach it anyway? Besides from being reborn time after time after time... That makes us being doomed to live untill we eventually have found the power to get enlighted. Well, I like to live like I do now and don't mind to live it again, over and over :D Yeah! Hail to the future! ;)


To Nothing.
we see gillis, 23 Mei 2004 17:11
how we see

To Nothing.
huh! anthony raven, 24 Mei 2004 16:49
you a matrix fan by any chance?
how 'bout you come up with your own ideas and then come back and share them.....

To Lace.
but the matrix Lace, 01 Mrt 2005 05:40
was from many old ideas
descartes and william gibson and i suppose many others. it is rather rare to have a completely original idea. i suppose most ideas are just rearrangements and recombinations and tiny additions to existing ideas. [the world has got so terribly old]

To Nothing.
Grow up! Luiza, 23 Sep 2005 22:12
Do something with your life, read a book, even better a philosophie book, before say anything. You'll see that the idea of this site is so much better than a movie that didn't know how to end beautifuly!

To Peetzy.
Well...box.here Peetzy, 16 Mei 2004 22:16
..it might offer you a nice back-up in case of a deja vu. On the other hand... mankind already is generating way too much useless information.

To Nothing.
... name, 17 Mei 2004 17:23
Peetz I miss you so much. Your words, your way of thinking, your sweet messages. I really miss you. And there is no fucking time to write you a mail. I will...
With love MiCi

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