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naam: Ratbastard
latijns:anthrenus scrophulariae - tapijtkever
features: Insane and inane ramblings of someone trying to get better

To Ratbastard
Strange Ratbastard, 01 Feb 2023 20:00
There’s a color you can think of, but can’t quite name,
There's a tune you can hear, but just can’t sing,
There’s emotions that you’ve felt, but cannot explain,
Maybe I’m just weird.

To Sjeu
Not weird to me.. Sjeu, 02 Feb 2023 15:58
Words sometimes limit meaning. Just because something has no name, doesn't mean it isn't there. Your perception is everything. To define can also mean decline.

In school I learned that in a healthy state, we all have 5 senses. Eyes see, ears hear, noses smell, tongues taste and with the nerves woven through our skin we can experience bodily sensations. Buddhism states there is a 6th sense; your spirit that is aware of ideas and mental concepts.

To Sjeu
6th sense Sjeu, 02 Feb 2023 15:59
A couple of years ago I did an in depth course in tantric dance and here I was handed this notion that you can think of your heart as a sensory too. The sense that connects. It makes connections. It connects you with yourself and it connects you with other people, animals, nature, etc.

To Sjeu
Yes Sjeu, 02 Feb 2023 16:00
I thought it was a beautiful insight. My heart as a sensory that enables me to feel connection. It can help me practice being in the moment, being aware of myself and others. Its a journey. Beautiful, messy and sometimes scary. To discover it's vastness. Does it have a beginning? Where does it end?

To Sjeu
More on senses Sjeu, 27 Feb 2023 19:22
There are 2 more hidden senses.

Proprioception: (being aware of your body and it's placement within any surrounding. Eg. people who easily trip or bump in to things, who often drop things or are late to notice a full blatter or when they are hungry, could train their proprioception.

Interoception is the ability to notice, recognize and understand bodily sensations and stimuli. This has a close relationship with empathy. Also it's how our nerves communicate with the nerves of other people.

To Sjeu
Those 2 senses are different from Sjeu, 27 Feb 2023 19:51
not knowing how you feel and how to name your emotions. This is a personality trait or condition that occurs in 1 out of 10 people. It's called Alexithymie and this emotional inability can be surpassed in families.

To Ratbastard
Behold! Ratbastard, 30 Jan 2023 13:59

To Ratbastard
Better Ratbastard, 12 Jan 2023 18:31
My rants are still here
They are tainted,
But I am feeling better.
Safety is in my pills

To Sjeu
Just very happy to hear Sjeu, 12 Jan 2023 19:02
You are feeling better now!
It helpes us remember
that sometimes
we all can be
a little bit


To Ratbastard
Glass Ratbastard, 24 Jan 2023 16:36
Thank You,
I feel that we are somewhat glass,
Breakable, but capable,
Of being made into something new


To Sjeu
Beautifully said Sjeu, 24 Jan 2023 17:39
and so well complementing the artwork, thank you for sharing!

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