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naam: Scritz
latijns:lygus pratensis

To Scritz.
mah moo-vie Scritz, 15 Apr 2002 04:49
feck. anyone have any idea how the hell i'ms upposed to film a 75 minute long video for my law class by thursday? like i should be worried, though. it's only worth fifteen fucking percent of our final mark. that's almost as much as the exam.
shit. if i only hadn't chosen three retards to make it with.

To Scritz.
lost Scritz, 13 Apr 2002 16:45
fuck! i have to find some way into town, and i don't know how to do it. if we don't get our video started today, then we may as well just write the fucking thing off. god, why did i agree to go in their group? i should have just worked with dave and graeme.
shit. i'll figure something out.

To Scritz.
muah Scritz, 13 Apr 2002 07:48
i woke up to a blood curdling shriek this morning. i thought somebody died. it's almost like coffee, except nothing is harmful.
some people maybe should die. but not everybody. i hate excessively negative people. and i should quit smoking. pff
......who am i kidding?

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