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naam: Somebodyelse
latijns:agapanthia villosoviridescens

To Somebodyelse.
Hello Somebodyelse, 11 Aug 2003 22:37
What is this for?

To Solemnity.
~ ? ~ Solemnity, 12 Aug 2003 00:00
Explain yourself.

To Somebodyelse.
I would ask a more specific question... Somebodyelse, 12 Aug 2003 03:07
...but I am not certain what I mean. Is there a specific purpose for this forum-ish thing? If there isn't, is there anything I should know about what to put here? Is there a question I should be asking that I have no clue about?

To Solemnity.
~ hmMmm ~ Solemnity, 12 Aug 2003 06:36
Have you read from the 'help' page? The creator of this site has a simple explanation.

To Violetstrang.
! Violetstrang, 12 Aug 2003 06:45
i never knew that was there. interesting. way to be observant.

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