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naam: Spongebob
latijns:byctiscus betulae

To Spongebob.
Is there a difference?youth.here Spongebob, 26 Aug 2006 01:59
Youth and old age is basicly the same when u'r a baby u r dependant of ur mother and when u'r old u r also dependant of someone to take care of you. Both wear nappies,makes no sense when speaking & can't walk without help....is there a diference??

To Spongebob.
Frogpet.here Spongebob, 26 Aug 2006 01:46
I think you should get a frog because we're all bugs then you can eat us!!! Can I just say that he asked a question and 1 person answered what is up with the rest of you??? I know the site is weird but it's not for retards, it's for the creative mind if you find it scary then go catch up on ur gossip u pussy!!!!

To Elling.
mile end Elling, 26 Aug 2006 05:28
hell yeah!

To Spluch.
Elling.... Spluch, 08 Feb 2007 17:11
greenday suck.

To Nothing.
hi Raneen, 30 Mei 2007 09:03

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