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naam: Wodiemetaed
latijns:lampyris noctiluca f - glimworm

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To Wodiemetaed.
finally!! Wodiemetaed, 06 Feb 2005 10:57
i found it out! HAHA...but now i forgot the name.. goddamnit... well, what i found out is, that cocacola-light tastes much more intensive when its frozen, and further it tastes just like this VERY STRANGE tasting red chewing gum..as said, cant think of the name right now. ooooh i hate myself for the disability. anyway remember: cocacola-light SUCKS!! and everyone who drinks it to get thin (omg) or to get NOT FAT at least... sucks too. i wont explain because iam too angry now! stupid cola light.. i hate it. i hate everybody. go away, leave me alone.

To Wodie.
hey meta version Wodie, 06 Feb 2005 14:56
dont be so angry... none of those nice people did you anything bad. apologize NOW for the bad words, but let them still know that cola-light is no good because, it makes the body think you have taken some sugar (colalight is still sweet) -> that leads to insulin-production -> insulin wants to be abolished -> you are getting hungry cuz food is the thing which does abolish the insulin (mostly). conclusion: coca cola-light makes you more fat then slim, besides it does not taste good.

To Wodie.
i aplologize Wodie, 06 Feb 2005 14:57
for the bad words. i dont hate you, neither you have to leave. forgive me, if you can.

To Wodiemetaed.
i apologize Wodiemetaed, 06 Feb 2005 14:58
for the bad words. i dont hate you, neither you have to leave. please forgive me. ah yes.. before i forget it: dont drink cocacola-light. it is not good for you.

To Bibidibobidiboo.
Did you remember Bibidibobidiboo, 06 Feb 2005 15:56
the flavour of the gum yet?
Big Red (cinnamon) or Dentyne Original? These are the only red chewinggums I know... now, if it's open to bubblegum, that's a whole different arena....

To Wodiemetaed.
big red Wodiemetaed, 06 Feb 2005 16:18
is possible.. yeeees! i think thats it!! big red! thank you Bibidibobidiboo! never liked the taste..

To Wodiemetaed.
viel glück zum nicht geburtstag! Wodiemetaed, 06 Feb 2005 10:53
für dich? für mich! hahaha!!

To Win.
wodie! Win, 06 Feb 2005 11:18
stop drinking, you weirdo!;-)

To Wodiemetaed.
but then i would dehydrate! Wodiemetaed, 06 Feb 2005 17:27
and die.... HAHA not funny. you are right. no more alcohol when i must learn.. and i really do must, like i never had to before

To Wiedersehen.
SEA!!!! Wiedersehen, 07 Feb 2005 02:14
Nicht zu fassen! Du hast recht Wodie! Das dorf doch wohl nicht wahr sein....

To Wodiemetaed.
der hölle rache kocht in meinem herzen! Wodiemetaed, 19 Jan 2005 23:53
i must REthink. i must do what must be done. waiting for an assertion? WRONG! there is none..not in any context that can be imagined. just the single and solid truth, that i am thinking and crying about my disability, accepting it in silence, never change.. .. complained about this yet? yes i think so... see what i mean? yes you do.

To Nothing.
disability? verstehe es nicht, 20 Jan 2005 01:25
i try to see, aber..

To Violetstrang.
you'll only change Violetstrang, 20 Jan 2005 05:37
when the want becomes so strong tht you'll put yourself through any torture for improvement. unless i'm wrong.

To Salmereek.
I hope Salmereek, 20 Jan 2005 06:15
you're wrong.

To Win.
wodie Win, 20 Jan 2005 08:52
whats wrong with you, bloke? cheer up and stop smoking that much....

To Wodiemetaed.
yeah right Wodiemetaed, 20 Jan 2005 20:11
must quit this smoking and start to do something for my future. anyway: the willing is not the problem. the problem is to act properly.

To Wodiemetaed.
help me with my study! Wodiemetaed, 18 Jan 2005 00:09
and tell me how much you have to pay for a half liter of coca cola.. in the supermarket!

and please: dont forget your country!

To Salmereek.
I forgot to check, but I think it's Salmereek, 18 Jan 2005 11:48
8 EEK in Estonia and 20 NTD in Taiwan (both about 0,5 €)

To Win.
what kind of study is that, wodie? Win, 18 Jan 2005 11:58
shit - i was just in the supermarket and forgot to look...alzheimer light! have you tried goggling?

To Redsboy.
Not much help. . . Redsboy, 18 Jan 2005 16:37
Wodie, the best I can do is 2 liters for $1.39 U.S. which would be about 35 cents for 1/2 liter. The smaller amounts here are measured and sold in fluid ounces. Let me know if I can help further. - Karl

To Wodiemetaed.
haha! Wodiemetaed, 19 Jan 2005 23:34
good! that helps me out a bit. thank you for the informations. just need it for personal amusement.. i want to fathom the social-economy behaviour of the coca cola company and the resulting coherences! kukuku hahaha at least!

To Wodiemetaed.
frustrated Wodiemetaed, 12 Jan 2005 15:12
i cant get up in the morning.. and go to school.
but i have to, or i will fail very hard.

why am i not doing what is rational.. what i know that is rational.. why am i doing all the things that are bad for me.. knowing that they are bad for me and doing them again..?
just 6 months left and i would never have school again.

To Sandman.
wodie!! Sandman, 12 Jan 2005 15:20
next time you dont get your bum to school you are not allowed to visit the sink that day!! and you have to stay in bed the whole day - without reading or watching tv! - think twice: it might sound seducing - but its hell, i tell you. - be a good boy!

To Wodiemetaed.
staying in bed.. Wodiemetaed, 12 Jan 2005 17:40
..the whole day sounds quite hellish indeed. to be honest: iam not sure if i will be able to that. but missing school wont happen ''tomorrow''.
iam trying to be a good boy besides, but trying is worthless. i must do it. there is no try.

To Sandman.
who talked of trying? Sandman, 12 Jan 2005 18:42
BE a good boy! its an order;-)

To Wodiemetaed.
:D Wodiemetaed, 12 Jan 2005 22:19

To Violetstrang.
been there hun Violetstrang, 12 Jan 2005 16:38
look, a 2 is better than a zero. make a point of showing up even if you don't accomplish much while you're there. in your eyes, getting there was enough of an accomplishment. gotta keep pushing, i know...easier typed than done... just do the best you can.

To Wodiemetaed.
you are... Wodiemetaed, 12 Jan 2005 17:44
..very right. i will..keep pushing and do my best.

thank you two for the words..i honestly appreciate.

To Lois.
SUPERMAN Lois, 12 Jan 2005 18:52
If you can leap tall buildings in a a single bound,you can certainly get your butt out of bed and get to school!

To Wodiemetaed.
hehe Wodiemetaed, 12 Jan 2005 22:18
this must be the truth... right. i will just use my superhero powers and fly to this cruel building!

To Wodiemetaed.
i did it! Wodiemetaed, 02 Jan 2005 21:06
i metamorphosed.. some strange changing indeed.. but the colour staid in some way.

it is a glimworm as you can read above.

carpe noctem!

To Sandman.
hey wodie! Sandman, 02 Jan 2005 21:26

To Gisteren.
close Gisteren, 03 Jan 2005 00:23
but no cigar

To Lois.
You Look Lois, 03 Jan 2005 02:39
Mahvelous Dahling!! Well, well, it was simply a matter of time, eh Wodie! Glow little glow worm........glimmer........glimmer.

To Poli.
hey Poli, 19 Jun 2006 15:31

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