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naam: Wodiemetaed
latijns:lampyris noctiluca f - glimworm

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To Wodiemetaed.
amazing! Wodiemetaed, 01 Jul 2012 02:36
you are all still alive.

To Tina.
Wodielein! Tina, 01 Jul 2012 03:07
So good to see you.

To Wodiemetaed.
Liebe Tina! Wodiemetaed, 01 Jul 2012 13:23
so good to see you too. how do you do?

To Nothing.
Roberta, 01 Jul 2012 17:07
Thank you, Wodie!

To Wodiemetaed.
see this: Wodiemetaed, 14 Mei 2009 17:50
it is a program that you may ask everything. got some errors, you may find them, but nevertheless a great idea!


To Seltaeb.
It sounds Seltaeb, 15 Mei 2009 03:35

To Richy.
i can't wait Richy, 20 Mei 2009 01:22
to expire.

To Richy.
no, Richy, 20 Mei 2009 01:24
i'm not sure either.


To Wodiemetaed.
sei ehrlich Wodiemetaed, 04 Apr 2009 03:52
and be honest. as often and as good as it gets.

To Wodiemetaed.
I JUST LOST! Wodiemetaed, 29 Mrt 2009 13:08
a motherflipping hour. lost. just because it is gone! and it will never come back. well.. in wintertime again. but till then my hour is lost. taken away from me like it was nothing. it is SOMMERZEIT! summertime. we then turn the clock one hour ahead. that was invented because they had not enough oil during winter, so they just thought: HEY! lets make it one hour sooner dark. then the people wont need so much oil. you understand? arsch. dreckscheiss. eine stunde. weg. PUFF! einfach so.

To Wodiemetaed.
i reconsidered Wodiemetaed, 29 Mrt 2009 16:02
that made not so much sense.. with the one hour sooner dark. but anyhow! it is later now.

To Nothing.
yeah, sometimes it's confusing I Getz it now and then, 29 Mrt 2009 18:25
and then there's this youtube.com/watch?v=tSgvvbCQq9c

To Wodiemetaed.
Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht ve Wodiemetaed, 29 Mrt 2009 20:17
in english: this video is not available in your country. bad luck! oasch grennt! it is unfair and stupid, but it is a fact. country is austria btw.. if you wondered. and if not you know it now anyhow. good day sir!

To Henryhackit.
If my country Henryhackit, 30 Mrt 2009 14:32
would start filtering the the internet, I would move. It was a nice relaxing song. I could probably make it available for you if you want. Hey, and don't worry about the hour you lost. They'll return it to you unharmed in about 6 months.

To Wodiemetaed.
i think it is youtube Wodiemetaed, 30 Mrt 2009 14:38
doing the filtering. but yes, or anyhow: please make it available for me poor mountain boy.

To Henryhackit.
Isn't Australia Henryhackit, 31 Mrt 2009 17:47
that country where they try to filter the internet and FAILED MISERABLY! Muhahaha Freedom of speech for all!, because without it we're heading for the dark ages. Start filtering child porn and you'll open the floodgates to hell. Australia, come up with a better plan and stop wasting taxpayers money by not listening to the experts.


To Wodiemetaed.
thank you very much Wodiemetaed, 31 Mrt 2009 21:47
my friend. that is indeed a very good song. and further i must say: i dont know if you are serious or not, but .....we dont have kängurus. i live in middle europe. jesus....you are making me mindfuck, henry. that is bad.

To Wodiemetaed.
iamoverit Wodiemetaed, 31 Mrt 2009 21:48

To Henryhackit.
HOly! Henryhackit, 01 Apr 2009 05:11
Austria, Australia, I think I'm dyslexic. Well it was nice to bitch about Australia's stupid goverment for a bit. But it does make me wonder why it wouldn't be available in Austria tho

To Nothing.
learn to use proxies geeesh..., 01 Apr 2009 19:10
you numbskulls

To Mrblaat.
Why Mrblaat, 01 Apr 2009 21:15
do you think I left...? What happened though to Dutch liberalism?

To Mrsblaat.
But...but... Mrsblaat, 02 Apr 2009 22:03
That would be too easy and sensical! Or is that sensimillia?

To Mrsblaat.
But...but... Mrsblaat, 02 Apr 2009 22:04
That would be too easy and sensical! Or is that sensimillia?

To Nothing.
But Wodie, guess who, 29 Mrt 2009 18:42
what a luck! You told us you have a bad time in the moment. Be happy that one hour of this bad time is lost!

To Wodiemetaed.
hihi Wodiemetaed, 29 Mrt 2009 20:15
that is good! a good way to see it. but the bad time is not so bad. did i say it is bad? no it is good actually! only that i got a bit of a hangover. i was drinking beer yesterday. plural, to be precise. beerS! oho aha ohja. now iam tired all day. its hangover sunday day. the nothingness is with me. i like it somehow. guess i always will. but guessing you is a too hard game for me. you know why? i say: because i could do so much wrong and only so little right. and that frightens me.

To Wodiemetaed.
please don't confront with my failures.. Wodiemetaed, 27 Mrt 2009 02:17
........i had not forgotten them. NICO - THESE DAYS! what a great song. it reminds me about my time in romania. dame what a good time. and i was thinking i would marry elling someday. nothing lost yet, na elling? nothing ventured, nothing gained. thats how they say. i beg to differ! i've been out walking. i don't do too much talking these days......theeeeeeeese days...lalalaaaaaaaaalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.!.

To Elling.
I like to think that I contributed to Elling, 27 Mrt 2009 20:27
all of your severe mental illnesses

To Wodiemetaed.
my dear ellingar Wodiemetaed, 28 Mrt 2009 00:59
i will take you serious and secure till the end of my life, but being responsible for my severe mental illness ...es! that is none of your job. that i did on my own. or was given to me from my parents. nono my friend. for that i wont charge you. i would charge you for being there, for saying ''fuck'', for being witty and special. but for my mental illness.. es....thats none of your business, my dear. i kiss you, virtually :* and ask you: why do you think so?

To Elling.
I told you what i like to think Elling, 28 Mrt 2009 16:47
now respect me and let keep those pleasant thoughts. Still, despite of what you just said im still quite sure that i contributed in some way even if i was not completely reponsible for it...and, charge me? how? and how fucking dare you charge me?! youre not as good an arse kisser as you think

To Wodiemetaed.
PAH! Wodiemetaed, 28 Mrt 2009 21:06
you have no idea of how good i really am. i for myself blame it on the english language that you are not able to see that.

To Elling.
i blame you Elling, 28 Mrt 2009 21:31

To Wodiemetaed.
ist in Wodiemetaed, 29 Mrt 2009 13:03

To Wodiemetaed.
dear bugs Wodiemetaed, 17 Mrt 2009 21:16
my heart beats like a motherfuck. i have been to bukarest/romania for 10 days and met a girl there, or otherwise said: seen her in a club and liked her right away. then of course i hesitated, i think i even bought some schnaps, at least a beer, and then told myself ''fuck it. say something to her'' and i did. for the first time in my life that way. iam 25 years old. and now back in wien i can still speak to her. JAAAA!!!!!! toll die moderne technik!!!!!!!!!!!!! endorphinrausch ich komme!!!!

To Henryhackit.
AYAYAYAAAAIIII!!! Henryhackit, 18 Mrt 2009 19:55
Go Wodie, Go Wodie, GO Go GO! So when are we going to meet her.. I can't wait to see what bug she'll choose. No presure.. just get her over here ,':-) Wish you the bestestz

To Wodiemetaed.
danke min herr! Wodiemetaed, 20 Mrt 2009 19:58
i will ask her soon if she wants to look over here. i think i am still overwhelmed by my feelings, which are basically based on a few moments and may lead me to inadequat behaviour.
never mind that! i will just do as i can feel it. whatever comes. most importantly i understood for myself: there is no wrong or right. only deadlock or movement.

To Wodiemetaed.
i dont understand Wodiemetaed, 03 Mrt 2009 00:57

To Nothing.
sometimes I feel like march, 03 Mrt 2009 05:14
I don't understand textme either.

To Wodiemetaed.
what has ever happened... Wodiemetaed, 26 Feb 2009 18:57

To Sequeira.
I know dude. Sequeira, 27 Feb 2009 00:13
I fuckin know.

To Nothing.
the sink everybody to the lifeboats, 27 Feb 2009 10:09
has sunk

To Nothing.
King of the world! Leonardo or whasername, 28 Feb 2009 06:09

To Wodiemetaed.
you must Wodiemetaed, 26 Feb 2009 01:22
write more

i could hardly see the fishhead, for example. or: the mighty boosh is a very brilliant tv series and probably also on radio, but i havent listened to that yet. only 2 tracks from the first episode.
or: i am going to go to skykitchen.at tomorrow, likely. it is going to get demolished by somewhere in july. i think.
iam taking a prozac derivate (working poison: fluoxetin) and in the beginning i was experiencing ''anorgasmy''. a side effect i have read before in the fucking manual. maybe i only was hypchondriac, but besides drugs not working it was alike one of the most terrible experiences in my life.

To Wodiemetaed.
my fellow mellow, partially yellow bugs Wodiemetaed, 23 Feb 2009 02:39
i can not help but to inform you that i feel desperate, and lonely. and on the other hand, delighted and free. as it came now to my mind i havent talked to you since and beyond the beginning of my first relationship. at first i thought, this could not last - since there was no love in my soul at all and if it was not for fucking (or ..sexual intercourse) purposes, i would have dumped this right away. but as time passing, i have learned to love that woman in a way i can not name properly. a feeling of secureness, a feeling of being needed, a feeling of a immoral safety.

To Wodiemetaed.
2ofx Wodiemetaed, 23 Feb 2009 02:40
she has left me. she has left without giving a single notice than ignorance. it has been 3 months so far and i dont know shit. i couldnt reach her in any thinkable medium. i called her once as unknown contact, just to let me know that we wont meet for changing things that we have left in each others flat. i was not able to come up with any more than the question as if it would work out at least this evening..........

To Wodiemetaed.
3ofx Wodiemetaed, 23 Feb 2009 02:41
it gets me. it gets me. it motherflipping gets me more than i would have ever dared to imagine.
why is that the human soul can only state the need if there is no acceptence left from the counterpart? why is it that the things you cant get are the things you want to have most of it all? why is it that those memories of the good moments come back to my mind? why is there such an immense hole in my middle part that i just cant fill it up? why can i not let it rest, why not find proper words? why is it, that iam talking to you again after this long time. what am i expecting?

To Wodiemetaed.
4ofx Wodiemetaed, 23 Feb 2009 02:42
after all, i know life will go on. after all, i know that there is only me to do the change. after all, i know that life is not an april shower. after all.........i will ...find..somebody to share, share the rest of my life. share my innermost thoughts, know my intimate details. someone who stands by my side, and give me support. and in return she'll get my support. she will listen to me, when i want to speak - about the world we live in and life in generally. though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted, she'll hear me out and wont easily be converted. -- to my way of thinking infact she'll often disagree, but in the end of it all she will understand me.
(depeche mode was this ending, somebody..not my text, unfortunately)

To Seltaeb.
Upon ending a relationship, Seltaeb, 23 Feb 2009 07:15
and having my heart broke, I was in a similar position about a year ago. For the first few days, my mind was fixated with thoughts of what I could have done differently, and why did we have to end it, and the fights we had. Some days I felt so terrible I refused to get out of bed. On the days that I met with friends, my mind would be distracted until they were gone, and then I would remember what had happened and pity myself. I gradually started to forget about her, and what had happened. Each day, I would forget a little more, and be reminded less that she was no longer part of my life. I would be lost in a daze of a cherished memory, followed by a more painful one, but the memories weren't nearly as powerful as at first. Gradually, I just forgot about her except for a handful of memories. Maybe you're looking for pity, or empathy, or console. Or perhaps a distraction, or just something familiar.

To Elling.
correction: he'll, not she'll Elling, 24 Feb 2009 23:16
trust me

To Wodiemetaed.
of course i do Wodiemetaed, 25 Feb 2009 16:17

To Poulette.
YESSS! Poulette, 23 Feb 2009 16:01
My 2nd husband (2/4) is alive!!

To Salo.
I think Salo, 25 Feb 2009 05:33
I missed something?

To Poulette.
Maybe me? Poulette, 25 Feb 2009 11:46
I miss you =)

To Poulette.
I've been married to 4 bugs: Poulette, 25 Feb 2009 11:48
Boomba, Wodie, Tatar and Soapy. The only one that seems to be alive is Wodie (though I expect Tatar to unexpectedly appear soon) =P

To Stretch.
hello wodie Stretch, 24 Feb 2009 00:47
My youngest son is going through a seperation.He's driving me crazy over this.My advice to him was to find another woman to stick his weiner in and all will be right with the world.

To Nothing.
indeed swollen testes, 24 Feb 2009 13:42
emptying the sack is very cathartic.

To Nothing.
sorry for your son something is wrong, 24 Feb 2009 22:30
sorry for you

To Wodiemetaed.
that is some very reasonable advice Wodiemetaed, 25 Feb 2009 16:18
i am looking forward to it.
after all i guess it just had me there for a moment or two, starting to get better now even without another mumu for insticking.

To Nothing.
Google image search for ''mumu'' GISer, 25 Feb 2009 18:56

To Verynicebug.
jk Verynicebug, 15 Mrt 2009 11:46

To Verynicebug.
titlejk Verynicebug, 15 Mrt 2009 11:48


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