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To Nothing.
i love himheart.here kat, 21 Mrt 2003 10:58
Bastard boyfriend of mine finished me i love him so much and always will, i need him

To Fadinglife.
reply Fadinglife, 21 Mrt 2003 19:57
the guy of your dreams would never hurt you intentionally.

To Nothing.
Mooo Nobby Nutkins, 23 Mrt 2003 02:21
It was only a crush he replied, you know calf love as in heifer, the crush was when you sat on me.

To Nothing.
What's your game Nobby ? Streetwise, 23 Mrt 2003 10:18
Misogynist or satirist [or Satanist ?]

To Solemnity.
& yet ..... Solemnity, 23 Mrt 2003 20:01
..... you're still here?

To Nothing.
Strangely dharmic overtone to this The third I, am I?, 24 Mrt 2003 05:55
Are we in the midst of a ''rascal'', in the tradition, of the monkey, Hanuman, in ''The Ramayana'', enlightening through provocation and antic humour? Mere coincidence - ''Nobby Nutkins'' or ''skint nun, BYOB'' - symbol of society's moral bankruptcy in how it treats an impoverished underclass of women in the grand party of life? ''Mooo'', too, mere coincidence, or anagrammatic version of the ancient Pali word ''Ooom'' chanted in every moment of existence since first uttered by the Buddha? Thrice ''O''?! Isn't OM, the cryptic letter of the Brahmas, symbolic of Triguna - three virtues, Trideva - three deities, and the three states of worldly consciousness - awakened state, dreaming state and sleeping state? No, we must open our compassionate heart to our Nobby as he activates the Kundalini of the Aagya, or sixth Chakkra - sight through the two petalled lotus, or Third Eye. The paradox of his Awakening? - the tryst with the heiffer is, but, the karmic kiss of the sacred cow.

To Solemnity.
~ wink ~ Solemnity, 24 Mrt 2003 06:44
Any exercises presented here, either physical or mental, are to be practiced at your own risk. Consult your physician, therapist, guide, or guru before you begin, or should you experience any discomfort or trauma from any of the processes involved in the awakening of kundalini energy.

To Englishbob.
Total Englishbob, 28 Mrt 2003 05:28

To Nothing.
hi , 28 Apr 2003 09:22

To Andie.
if he... Andie, 11 Jun 2003 02:26
...hurt you then you don't love him (or shouldn't) but i shouldn't be telling you what to feel so nevermind

To Nothing.
Satisfiedheart.here Nobby Nutkins, 16 Mrt 2003 17:42
Well over the years I could say I am responsible for breaking a few bitches hearts.

How do I feel about that ?

Dont feel anything.....females are so weak

To Solemnity.
~ gasps ~ Solemnity, 16 Mrt 2003 19:39
Are you looking for a debate?!
Get smart.

To Mobius.
moron Mobius, 16 Mrt 2003 20:58
what a beautiful sentiment....

To Nothing.
. ., 16 Mrt 2003 21:26
It's a wind up. Nobody could be that stupid

To Marlies.
this afternoon Marlies, 16 Mrt 2003 23:21
i was thinking of getting this bug as mine. it's wonderfull. be happy with it, it looks like sunshine.

To Nothing.
title flies name stupid moron, 04 Mei 2004 16:14
I like flies on my penis

To Nothing.
Squish the bugs Nobby Nutkins, 16 Mrt 2003 23:32
Arr a few whimperings from a few stewed hearts.
A lovely stew served with dumplings.
How many of you are also dumplings ?
It murmered ''but fall short of the mark in content'' but meant incontinent...... Indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures

To Violetstrange.
well, Violetstrange, 09 Jun 2003 05:26
girls may be stupid but boys are useless.

To Andie.
.... Andie, 11 Jun 2003 02:28
you bastard

To Tiny.
glueheart.here Tiny, 13 Mrt 2003 19:41
how could i break my heart if somebody else already broke it several times? out of glue...

To Nothing.
mmmm..... ykyfood, 19 Mrt 2003 01:02
I like glue

To Nothing.
Your Breastsheart.here MeeOff-Jack, 09 Mrt 2003 12:01
Self Polarization
Breasts attract me
like round magnets to my steel head
They polarize me
Make me want to stick
I am like Woolly Willy, Magnetic Dust Face Man
My Beard rearranges in their presence

To Nothing.
Revenged Loveheart.here MeeOff-Jack, 09 Mrt 2003 11:59
When she packed her bags
and left me alone, in Paris
She forgot her scarf in the hotel room.
I stuck one end of it in my ass
and masturbated into the other
put it in a package
addressed to BITCH.
Lesson learned:
The sweetest revenge
is an orgasm sent C.O.D.

To Nothing.
Weird or what ? Anon, 09 Mrt 2003 13:21
Hmmm - the philosophical type. Too much masturbation could make you blind - hence the term blinded by love

To Nothing.
alkalineheart.here name, 20 Feb 2003 08:52
beautiful in a sad way which is not bellicose though should be

To Nothing.
smashing candy hearts - great ideaheart.here tb, 17 Feb 2003 15:03
liked smashing all those little hearts... It's kind of healing, when you feel like you've had yours smashed a few too many times.

To Nothing.
Jenheart.here name, 15 Feb 2003 00:37
Why should I care?

To Nothing.
Yaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheart.here Kathy, 14 Feb 2003 20:40
After pulverizing, mix with crushed iced in blender. Makes a good schmoothees. Mmmmmmmmmm

To Nothing.
cracked heartheart.here namesr, 14 Feb 2003 13:33
sometimes it gets broke and then repaired again and it feels so good!

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