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naam: Coleoptera
latijns:potosia aeruginosa
features: Dogged determination to move every morsel of dung placed in its path and thus fulfil Nature's divine purpose

To Coleoptera.
titleDoes the Insect God love me?winner.here Coleoptera, 05 Okt 2004 19:29
textI am so BEAUTIFUL: my colors... my textures... my sheen... my carapace... my proboscus... my sucking apparatus...

To Nichole.
its impossible Nichole, 05 Okt 2004 20:15
the insect God has to love you....
by the way thats my fav. bug next to the roach!!

To Buzulefazul.
Is there really a roach? Buzulefazul, 05 Okt 2004 21:20
Show me...

To Nichole.
no Nichole, 06 Okt 2004 17:03
there is no roach!! :(
i really wish there was...

To Baazulebub.
Mm hmm... Baazulebub, 05 Okt 2004 20:59
You are one gorgeous Coleopteran. There is no way that you could go uncherished (or at least uneaten... Mork, you may have competition).

To Mork.
I beg Mork, 06 Okt 2004 19:20
your pardon?

To Soixanteneuf.
You are very beautiful Soixanteneuf, 05 Okt 2004 22:41
and everybody loves you

To Ellelle.
Who me? Ellelle, 05 Okt 2004 23:15
...couldn't be...

To Nothing.
then Nichole, 06 Okt 2004 18:41

To Coleoptera.
Death of summer... and what about ME??summer.here Coleoptera, 20 Sep 2004 13:39
Oh sob...ah misery me... what whill HAPPEN TO me now??? Tomorrow is September 21 and summer will OVER! Where will I go... what will I do? Who will I EAT??

To Coleoptera.
Home sweet homeescape.here Coleoptera, 20 Sep 2004 13:24
My brothers, sisters, nephews, neices, cousins, grandchildren, and so many of my copulation partners -- we all live in these houses!

To Coleoptera.
Sophia Loren turns 70! Coleoptera, 20 Sep 2004 13:09
The Great Neopolitana once picked me up and stroked me!! Today I wish her Happy Birthday on her 70th. Actually, you can see a resemblance, no doubt...

To Nothing.
Insects unite! name, 26 Jan 2008 18:28
I shine... I glow... I make prickly marks on your pink skin with my spikey feet...

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