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naam: Depen
latijns:spargania luctuata
features: They seek hymn here, they seek hymn there, they seek depen everywhere...

To Depen.
Hmmmm. Music Depen, 08 Feb 2012 23:32
Here's a good tune take a listen. Later on!


To Depen.
Take a listen to this tune Depen, 07 Feb 2012 00:21
its not to everyone taste, but apparently is was real big in Miami a few years back. You don't need to be all that intuitive to get the gist of this one. True as well!


To Geezer.
Oh, Depen! Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 02:29
''No! No! No! There's no limit. . .we do what we want, and we do it with pride.'' To add to the melee, look at the performers' faces. Bitter, defiant, challenging. Frightening! I think it's called anarchy, isn't it? Can you possibly envision a society with no limits, no boundaries, no laws. Everyone just does what he/she wants. Very Scarey, Sherri!

To Depen.
Geezer, No No, No No No No Depen, 07 Feb 2012 02:57
No No No No, No there really are no limits! True the faces do look rather demonic at times but I'm assuming once you get to stage where there really are no limits we will be well into the territory of the spirit, so one would think anarchy would be well out of the question!

To Geezer.
Do you really believe there is no limit Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 03:29
I'm like a small child in that I find it comforting to know there are certain limits, not just on me, but on those with whom I interact. For example, your limitations begin where my nose begins. We each will differ in where and what we think those limits should be. I suppose I'm just not seeing the ''limits'' as you see them. Explain please.

To Depen.
You mean you would feel uncomfortable Depen, 07 Feb 2012 03:45
having your ''space'' violated? I can sympathize with that to some extent however if you look deeper into the mechanics of the universe you may (or may not!) find that no limits are necessary. If you put a limit on how much something can ''grow'' you are merely creating death through entropy. Do you believe in Heaven? How in the event of eternal life can there be such limitations? Of course it is to the spirit that I refer when I say that there are no limits.

To Geezer.
Without getting too deep Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 18:10
You misunderstood. The ''Nose'' thing was merely an example. I like the presence of speed limits, road closed signs, ''No passing'', ''Men'' and ''Ladies'', One-way signs, ''Wrong Way'' signs, ''Quarantined'', ''Don't urinate in the shower'', and I'm not in favor of someone shouting ''Fire'' in a crowded theatre. Does that explain it better?

To Billybullshit.
Don't. Billybullshit, 07 Feb 2012 18:22
Let him take the piss out of you.

To Geezer.
Moi? Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 19:06
I don't know to whom your comment is directed, but it allows me to post a ''motto'' that was near and dear to the hearts of many who served in the U.S. Air Force when I did, It went, ''Illigetimati carborundum non esse.'' with the translation ''Don't let the bastards grind you down.''

To Nothing.
Geezer - just how naive are you ? Zoo keeper, 07 Feb 2012 09:32
Depen is a troll who keeps changing to a new bug when everyone gets fed up with his rantings, and ignores him. You are simply feeding the beast. Don't feed the monkey.

To Billybullshit.
There is a beast out there. Billybullshit, 07 Feb 2012 14:27
And there is a monkey *laughing*. But it's not depen. Quit obsessing.

To Geezer.
A simple answer from a simple person Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 18:01
For a one-word answer to your question of ''How naive are you?'' VERY! And frankly, it's not all that bad being naive. I find it much more pleasant to believe in people than to doubt everyone I meet. Basicly, folks are nice.

To Billybullshit.
Don't. Billybullshit, 07 Feb 2012 18:11
Be like me.

To Geezer.
Don't put yourself down. Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 19:08
As a matter of fact, I appreciate many of your posts.

To Nothing.
It is I, Geezus, Geezer, Geezus Geezus, 07 Feb 2012 19:34
I get confused. I WILL put myself down. On a crucifix. Do not spit at me. Thank yoo7

To Nothing.
Oh dearie, dearie me A cup of tea solves almost anything, 07 Feb 2012 19:46
It looks as though syphilis is chomping away at your brain. Never mind. Have a nice cup of tea, eh ?

To Geezer.
Say WHUT? Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 20:16
I have absolutely no idea what you are saying. Certainly you, as Geezus, are not claiming to be me. And, as a matter of record, I think the first syllable of our nom de plumes are not pronounced the same. Okay, perhaps I'm a little dense,but if you want me to understand what you are saying you will have to be a little more clear. And I appreciate your taking the extra trouble.

To Geezer.
Depen a troll? I don't understand Geezer, 07 Feb 2012 23:38
Zoo Keeper, I appreciate your concern,but I'm more than a little puzzled by your opinion of Depen. Frankly i have found Depen to be very interesting. True, I don't understand everything he/she says, but then I don't understand everything I say either. As ''Zoo Keeper'' expressed above, I may be quite naive, but if so, I like it that way and will continue to think of Depen as a friend. Most folks are quite nice.

To Depen.
Here is a video by Bruce Springstein Depen, 06 Feb 2012 20:33
- Philadelphia. I can see why they call him the boss, because he really is when it comes to this style of music. Anyway, take a listen and watch the video and see what thoughts the music conjures in your mind. I seem to be intuiting from the intro a sense of contemplating the future post desolation. Again its funny the nature of the video because it would appear to match that sentiment to some degree. I hope it don't come to pass anyway 'cos there may be no where left to have fun!


To Tina.
What Tina, 06 Feb 2012 23:21
a downer! Surely there are more inspiring areas in the City of Brotherly Love.....than seeing Tom Hanks with AIDS in the movie of the same name.

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