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naam: Tomthumb
latijns:neomysia oblongoguttata

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To Tomthumb.
Alone Again Tomthumb, 06 Jun 2004 00:49

To Tomthumb.
Have you ever Tomthumb, 05 Jun 2004 19:07
tried sticking your tongue in a plug socket? Electric, man!

To Strider.
batteries Strider, 06 Jun 2004 00:29
taste like happiness

To Mascava.
being a woman Mascava, 06 Jun 2004 12:20
i preffer the scent (and taste) of a woman.

To Mascava.
i am not a lessie Mascava, 06 Jun 2004 12:21
but women smell great...

To Tomthumb.
To Captain Skin Tomthumb, 05 Jun 2004 05:07
COAL CAPTAIN????? MY *UC***G arse, that's demotion, not promotion! I've got my coal scuttle of a barge y'know. I got my own parrots, too. Also supermarkets and an organic, orgasmic farm shop run by DAWN - AND a 21-gun salute! Haul the mizzen mast sail, tie up Rosi - THIS IS WAR, Business Developer Saga! **Tomthumb loads ARTICHOKE into iron cannon, attaches the letter 'F'- and fires at Saga!!** BOOM BOOM! Oh deary deary me, I've holed the Business Developer's ship! She's sinking! Gazooks! HEH HEH HEH!!! :)

To Skin.
The bug is delirious, Skin, 05 Jun 2004 11:48
Get him a glass of water - he had one jug o' grog too many!

To Nimsmom.
Here *brings on a glass of water* Nimsmom, 05 Jun 2004 11:52
Are you feeling better love? I remember that my lil' Nimi was ill, he thought that our family members have all turned red, we had to spank him hard to get him out of it, fancy a spanking?

To Tomthumb.
Here *brings on a glass of water* Tomthumb, 05 Jun 2004 14:33
SPANKING??? Oh how wonderful, NIMSMOM - YES!:) I'll wear my old school tie shall I, while you weild the cat O' nine tails? *TomThumb accepts glass of water from the incredibly mind-a-blowing, sexy NIMSMOM* OO-ARRRRH, me darlin, that be good grog in me!! But there's still plenty of fire in the boilr. Now, where's ROSI? Is she still tied to the mizzen? Mmm, wow, her milk-white skin. . .

To Skin.
Being a coal captain on me ship Skin, 05 Jun 2004 16:48
is no degrading. Did you not know that coal captain on a ship is ladies favorite? ask nimrods mother... the options are endless....

To Saga.
coal captains ... Saga, 05 Jun 2004 20:11
get laid every night! (well they used to)

To Tomthumb.
coal captains ... Tomthumb, 06 Jun 2004 00:57
I should be so lucky

To Sis.
Coal Captains Sis, 06 Jun 2004 05:21
get lucky...

To Nimsmom.
be that untrue - Nimsmom, 05 Jun 2004 16:55
i would never have conceived nimrod. now are you going to set sail on your own ship alone or should i fetch my rubber gloves... (*wink wink wearing a nurse outfit caressing my body slowly*) ?

To Rosibutterfly.
careful Coal Captain ... Rosibutterfly, 06 Jun 2004 11:59
you can look, but you can't touch!

To Skin.
another advice... Skin, 05 Jun 2004 17:02
Attacking Saga (AKA Snee), just like attacking any crew member, is not recommended and dangerous, you shall be forgiven this time (since you were delirious, everyone knows that…) but I advise you to beware – Saga is a business developer that holds many secret powers (who put the ''M'' in the McDonalds?)

To Sis.
And... Sis, 05 Jun 2004 19:45
you wont get spanked by me...

To Tomthumb.
And... Tomthumb, 05 Jun 2004 20:01
Ohh, how disappointing. Spose I'd better get my ass down to the coal hole, then.
DA-DAA! Coal Captain signing into Saga's artichoke-holed vessel! Prepare to whistle onboard The Coal Captain. His tiller, the emminently gorgeous SWAN 57 priced at £497,000, AKA a floating BORDELLO has been hooked up to Saga's pirate ship without permission. Tough, but Saga will approve, knowing her dubious past. Onboard the SWAN are barrels of Jack Daniels, Macallan 15 year old malt, tins of Beluga caviar, methusilars of Tattinger vintage champagne, and of Krug, fake lighters for selling to dimwitted mites at infated prices, and full-size blow-up doll resmbling CHERIE BLAIR. Umm, other blow-up dolls available on request. Please send a stamped addressed envelope to Jogchem, the site owner.

To Saga.
*ahem*... Saga, 05 Jun 2004 20:25
also the ''I'' in CIA and the ''Bip'' in the bibdee-bipdee-bop!

To Saga.
and load up... Saga, 05 Jun 2004 20:59
Johnnie Walker Black Label and black lump fish caviar for the developer's table. (But I also like to dine in the coal room) *wink*

To Tomthumb.
The Coal Captain's table Tomthumb, 05 Jun 2004 21:17
is laid. My boat gently rocks with you ;-)

To Sis.
Please dont forget the Skyy Vodka Sis, 06 Jun 2004 05:16
dear god, dont forget the vodka... gin is an excellent substitute. And you said ''laid''... *giggle and wink* Now, you realize this is getting to be an awful lot of booze for me to have to be pourin and servin up, dontcha? Dont be-a-blamin me when it turns up missin'...

To Tomthumb.
Please dont forget the Skyy Vodka Tomthumb, 06 Jun 2004 08:06
Poor little Sis you've become invisible:-( It's the vodka wot done it! Get onto good Scotch this minute and that's an order! And lay on the table, while you're drinking ;-)

To Sis.
How about I get ON a good Scotch Sis, 06 Jun 2004 23:53
as i lie on the table Hmm? Just show me where and how my dear...

To Tomthumb.
I'm finding the sink... Tomthumb, 25 Mei 2004 21:47
...a daunting place with these N00bs setting out not only to flood our message boards, (of which Jogchem should at least try and write a programme to stem the flow), but also it's no place for my son. I've put up a parential control lock so he doesn't access the sink, lest he be sworn at. Together, we have enough troubles as it is, like bereavement, without having my dearest upset and fraught at being treated so dispicably. Poor Peter's had enough grief at school without being threatened here!
To be honest, I am unsure about staying, much as the sink appeals, it's also infuriating to have one's text scribbled over and to be propositioned. Are there any like-minded bugs here who would support me, and contact Jogchem?

To Nothing.
we've all been there before, tom gillis of the damned dogs!!, 25 Mei 2004 22:09
wise up... this is democracy at it's finest. jogchie seldom plays god, try to convince him!

To Dawn.
Tom.... Dawn, 25 Mei 2004 22:38
you know that saying.... 'it takes all sorts'..... It's generally kids that are doing the stuff you describe. Most of the regular adult bugs are sensible (at times) and we all enjoy moments of madness and hysteria in the sink. I have always found the best thing to do if something or someone is annoying you in the sink is to leave and come back later. Usually ignoring the culprit works better though. I have never considered this a good place for children to visit. You have to take us as you find us Tom :) Hope to see you soon :)

To Tomthumb.
Tom Tomthumb, 25 Mei 2004 23:15
Hi Dawn
No, I won't be going :) I just hit a low spot at the time, that's all.
Bless you, hunny. Look forward to chatting again.

To Henryhackit.
- Henryhackit, 25 Mei 2004 23:02
I understand that you would like to protect your child and yourself from everything that is bad out there in the world. Who wouldn't understand that. But as someone who is chechnically inclined and know a bit about human nature, I can tell you one thing very clearly.. You can never close all doors that lead to 'evil'. Your child will eventually find a way to pry open the doors that you closed(probably sooner then you think) so the best thing you can do is to prepare him for, and make him understand the things that are out there.

To Henryhackit.
by the way Henryhackit, 25 Mei 2004 23:06
n00bs stands for newbees which stands for new people.. you use it in a fasion which brings up the impression that n00bs are evil people out there to make your life miserable. I don't think that is exactly what you mean to say.. or is it?

To Tomthumb.
No..I didn't mean that Tomthumb, 25 Mei 2004 23:13
it's just that I had a troublesome little spud crawling all over my head...so I disappeared. Thanks Henry :)

To Henryhackit.
When I read your post Henryhackit, 25 Mei 2004 23:13
I have wrote so many remarks and delted them again and still I was not able to say what I was thinking in this small space.. I suggest we sit down in a sink near you and have a drop of water together.

To Tomthumb.
When I read your post Tomthumb, 26 Mei 2004 10:54
Nice! I'll go get a bottle of 30 year old Macallan, and with the sink water on tap we'll have a natter and go bug-eyed.

To Mork.
the world... Mork, 27 Mei 2004 00:45
...is a daunting place. I find the bugs one of the least daunting places in this world.

To Berre.
wat een Berre, 03 Jun 2004 02:33
mooie verhalen

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