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naam: Twi
latijns:pyrrhidium sanguineum

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To Twi.
J Twi, 07 Jul 2006 14:44
Can we go back to the beach this morning? Sit hand in hand on the sand in the breeze. Or maybe if there's no breeze, how about we go back to Camber. Sit awhile up in the dunes where the sand is so soft but firm, the grasses hide us from the world and we can watch the sea. Watch the waves as they too drift wherever life takes them. Led by the moon that we both love so much in the night sky, only sometimes visible in the daytime too. I feel your arm around me now, I know your presence and I take your hand and look into your eyes. ((((Hugs)))) All that you are and all that I can be, it's what we have in the time that we are here.

To Twi.
Dawn and Rosi? Twi, 28 Jun 2006 09:39
How are you dears?

To Twi.
Lil and Rosi Twi, 11 Jun 2006 04:46
Hi, so sorry I can't come back as am very tired now, and as it's late have returned to bed. There's lightning in the skies across the water and it's coming closer. Now while I love a good storm, storms don't like my internet or even my house. We have a lightning conductor, sure, but I much prefer to get my bottom offline just in case! Lol. Anyway it was lovely to talk to you both..and if next time am not too hot and not too late, I'll look out for you again. Take care, send my love to Dawn..and I'll see you soon. Lots of love, Twi xx xx

To Rosibutterfly.
Twi ... Rosibutterfly, 11 Jun 2006 05:32
better to be safe than fried, I always say .. sleep well.

To Holteen.
that's ok Twi.... Holteen, 11 Jun 2006 06:32
meet in the sink same time tomorrow, possibly an hour earlier? it was nice talking to u! -Lil Laker

To Twi.
Thanks Rosi and Lil Twi, 11 Jun 2006 10:04
Lil, I only woke about 3 cos I was in a sweat, but I'll try earlier, but more than an hour as it's late for me. Rosi, I don't want to imagine ''fried Twi + Wrigglers on toast''. Lol

To Rosibutterfly.
hahahaha Rosibutterfly, 11 Jun 2006 10:12

To Twi.
It's... Twi, 24 Mei 2006 12:33
The Business. Knock 'em flat


To Twi.
CUSStomer services Twi, 23 Mei 2006 18:22
''Good afternoon and welcome to BT. You now have the following 7 options...for services to - press button 1, for...etc. Having got through that lot, I was then presented with another 5. And another 5 after that. Finally getting through to customer services I then explained my problem till I was blue in the face because the vacuous daft tart on the end of the line was reading off a sheet as per rote. And my problem was not covered on it. Might as well piss into the wind as get anywhere. What's wrong with the utilites industry in Britain?

To Dawn.
Threaten to change to.... Dawn, 23 Mei 2006 21:29
one of their rival companies. It's amazing what results that gets :)


To Twi.
Thank you Dawn! ~x~ Twi, 24 Mei 2006 10:02
Now this looks very hopeful. I've saved it and later call them. Heehee once BT lose their rights to owning exclusivity of phone lines, they'll go down the pan. Have a happy day and hopefully we'll see British Summertime - soon.


To Salo.
I got this link Salo, 24 Mei 2006 05:11
that maybe of some help if you have to deal with an American company...
Overall it has worked great for the times I have had to call! You still have to deal with the dummies at the other end of the phone line but you get there MUCH faster with no push this button push that button business.


To Twi.
Salo, Thanks :) Twi, 24 Mei 2006 12:31
Another good link, also saved.

To Twi.
Comp's on the blink Twi, 19 Mei 2006 09:58
Sorry if you don't see me around later. My preggo-hormones have gone into overdrive (and it was a late one last night!) which is why I'm still friggin about this morning with its sodding hard drive. Whadda crap of shit!!!!

I'm about to do some Percussive Maintenance

- The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.


To Rosibutterfly.
a good hard kick .. Rosibutterfly, 19 Mei 2006 11:49
will do it every time Twi!!!!!!!!!!

To Twi.
Hey Dawn! Twi, 09 Mei 2006 20:45
How are you?

To Dawn.
I'm ok ... Dawn, 10 Mei 2006 07:28
thanks :)

To Twi.
Well BUM Twi, 11 Apr 2006 21:05
to hospital food! I've ordered a takeaway; an Indian curry of chicken tikka masala, buttered and sugared naan bread, chicken pasana with almonds, onion bahji, cauliflower bahji, Bombay Spuds and a pile of poppadoms resembling a towering block of flats. Plus Kulfi, an Indian ice cream of absolute deliciousness with lip-smackinly delightful bits of nuts and fruit in. Add some fresh fruit ordered over my phone, and I shall have as much food ready-at-mitt to provide me and my little girls enough food for at least a day.

To Nothing.
Ungrateful! name, 12 Apr 2006 03:09
you sound like a spoiled hoytie toytee ingrate with all your bitching about food, with half the world starving...

To Nothing.
. name, 12 Apr 2006 03:10
If you are trying to impress us with your high style taste, you are not...

To Nothing.
your style... reminds me... or was it the sister?, 12 Apr 2006 04:11
your style is very 'novel'-like. say, you wouldn't be living in the south of france with a sick father would you?

To Nothing.
Great minds think alike spiders have long memories, 12 Apr 2006 08:43
that same thought has been crossing my mind for some weeks now. We shall see how matters develop, and if any unexpected dramas arise. Keep watching with interest.

To Twi.
I have told the Twi, 11 Apr 2006 21:04
hospital catering manager where I think he should stow his hospital food, for which he did not thank me. I then called him back saying that since I was a private patient, effectively I was paying his wages and would say what I jolly well liked and if he didn't like it he could go jump in the sea.

For tomorrow I have ordered breakfast to be brought me from Eastbourne's local greasy spoon which is English breakfast of bacon and eggs, fried bread, hash browns, tomatoes and baked beans, followed by toast and marmalade and a pot of fresh coffee.

This afternoon, my friend is bring Sid over and I can't wait to see my darling doggy wagging his tail and telling me how many local mogs he's been upsetting!


To Twi.
Destiny Twi, 10 Apr 2006 03:35
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

To Wahoo.
:) Wahoo, 12 Apr 2006 19:12
Agreed! I like that!!

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