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naam: Kuxa
latijns:triplax russica

To Kuxa.
kukuku Kuxa, 22 Jun 2006 01:47
xa. i have just seen that this very certain bug could be chosen by the ''apply'' thingie. i must further say: the password recovery is solved brilliantly simple. jogchem is a good guy. i am happy that he is alive. anything else? nothing special.. it is hot and it will rain this night. the only thing i like about the sommer are the nights......and the sun, when i am at the sea or at a lake. but then i must always think of sun cream! otherwise mortality increases for me ginger whitebread massively. sunburn untill the skin leaves my body. good for now. may i will check if this

To Kuxa.
HOLY Kuxa, 22 Jun 2006 01:49
..why did the message stop? is there a limit? i don't think so. whatever. i will check if this

To Kuxa.
wow... Kuxa, 22 Jun 2006 01:59
..it is gone.

To Kuxa.
mozilla firefox Kuxa, 30 Mrt 2005 21:27
anybody using this browser? are you able to enter the sink with it?

To Redthops.
I know how to do!! Redthops, 30 Mrt 2005 21:40
Right click on ''CHAT'' and click on ''Open In New Window''!! : )

To Kuxa.
unfortunately Kuxa, 30 Mrt 2005 22:10
it still does not work :( as soon as i want to enter it gets frozen. this is strange.. all other flash applications are working fine. thanks anyway for the hint, thops.

To Salotehawaii.
hold your control Salotehawaii, 30 Mrt 2005 23:51
button down

To Emmepem.
no problems here with firefox Emmepem, 31 Mrt 2005 00:14
great browser


To Marlies.
neither Marlies, 31 Mrt 2005 01:10

To Kuxa.
still höyling Kuxa, 24 Feb 2005 00:58
and i am pretty sure you wont stop me.

To Starr.
What the Starr, 24 Feb 2005 03:46
heck is THAT??

To Kuxa.
it is Kuxa, 24 Feb 2005 20:19
playing ''elastomania'' (best game ever programed btw) for hours and hours.. mostly the same level, just to improve your besttime.
at first sight it may seems primitive and stupid, but i have never played a game with such an unbelieveable potential.


To Kuxa.
basically.. Kuxa, 16 Feb 2005 22:50
you have 3 kinds of doors: the ones which wants to be opened and closed manually, the ones that close themselves and the ones that opens and closes itself automatically, neither you want it or not. my favorite is the self closing, manually opened door because i want things to complete themself by there own when started once and THAT, my dear brothers and sisters, could be the only problem i really have but quite a serious one isnt it? i ask myself how it could come to this.

To Nothing.
you're ok, just so long as quack, 16 Feb 2005 23:07
the so-called ''self closing, manually opened door'' fave isn't the Door of Perception

To Kuxa.
its not.. Kuxa, 17 Feb 2005 00:28
..my perception but i act like it would be.

To Wieder.
Hahah Wodie Wieder, 17 Feb 2005 02:24
I do not know how it could honestly, maybe you have been spending too much time in here and so you have gotten all sorts of weird ideas into your head but I admire your effort to apply doors as a metaphor to I don't know what... But it was beautiful!

To Betelgeuse.
are revolving doors Betelgeuse, 17 Feb 2005 10:39
the third kind you mention? they depend on different people (door clients?) to open and close them all the time... I don't get it, but i like thinking of all these doors (shut that door - Larry Grayson / je t'adore - some Romeo fella)

To Win.
actually you find number four, beutel! Win, 17 Feb 2005 11:41
kuxa forgot that type! - how are you btw? and how is the noodlesoup? got a reaction?;-)

To Kuxa.
thank you wieder Kuxa, 17 Feb 2005 18:17
they should refer to different people. and the revolving one, well i thought about it but its quite similiar to the automatic door, besides it rotates about itself hehe.. so it maybe is a fourth type, though its quite similiar to the automatic open/close door.

To Win.
ever get stucked in a rotating door? Win, 17 Feb 2005 20:01
you wouldnt call it similar to the automatic then...;-) btw: whats that door-talk all about??

To Kuxa.
right, but basically Kuxa, 17 Feb 2005 21:54
its the same system.. it opens and closes with or without your wish or acceptance. the door talk is supposed to be a metaphor for human beings.

To Kuxa.
do unto others.. Kuxa, 16 Feb 2005 00:01
..what has been done to you. its PRISON sex!! one of the best bands i know: TOOL


To Kuxa.
my favorite shortcut.. Kuxa, 06 Feb 2005 17:48
in the most programs i use is CTRL+Z! if this would only work once in real life.

To Nothing.
boy oh boy name, 06 Feb 2005 19:31
i really felt that one with my soul. i wish it did work in real life!

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